Rutherglen Reformer

Think seriously y about how you are going to vote


Irene Smith gives her reasons for voting Yes.

“First let me say that I am in no way affiliated to any political party. My statement is my own honest opinion and heartfelt plea to fellow Senior Citizens to think seriously about how you are going to vote. By the time I cast my vote on the 18th September I will be in my mid seventies.

Scotland has been producing oil since the 1970s but as I look around my town and country I ask myself where did the revenue from this industry go? Today in the year of 2014 we have people relying on food banks and young families and people living in poverty. We also have the poorest paid pensioners in Europe. Scotland cannot be compared to an oil rich country of the Middle East because the revenue generated by Scotland has been squandered by successive Westminste­r Government­s. Not a penny to show for forty years of oil production!

Ignore the scaremonge­ring of the Better Together campaign. You will get your pension paid, the Department of Work and Pensions has already confirmed this and I have my letter from them prove this. Private pensions will be paid, most of them are held in offshore bank accounts and it would be an injustice for them not to be paid out - in such an event you could legally challenge their decision. No matter who gets elected at next years General Election, it has already been stated by all the Westminste­r Parties that there will be another £25billion worth of cuts coming to the welfare state and public sector services.

Think of the alternativ­e if the No vote wins. A life of food banks, poverty, taxation, billions of pounds worth of welfare cuts, a vote out of Europe, further billions invested in Trident and privatisat­ion of our NHS. Is this Better Together? I think not. We have lived our life but surely we owe it to our young people to vote Yes and give them a better future.”

 ??  ?? Time for changeIren­e Smith says Scotland owes it to her young people to vote yes
Time for changeIren­e Smith says Scotland owes it to her young people to vote yes

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