Rutherglen Reformer

‘I’ve always had a real love for the church and it has had a big impact on my life’

- Kenny Smith

St Bride’s Parish Church has welcomed a trainee priest over the last few weeks.

Paul Denney (27) has been working with Father Paul Morton at the Cambuslang church as a seminarian.

And during his stay, he’s very quickly become popular with the parishoner­s, especially the youngsters whom he has met at school.

Paul, from Westwood in East Kilbride, said: “I’m not quite sure why I’ve chosen this as my career path - perhaps it’s from the example set by other priests, and seeing the kind of work they do, and the sense of fulfillmen­t they have in their life.

“There are some very joyful priests who are a real inspiratio­n.

“I’ve always had a real love for the church, and it has had a big impact on my life within the parish setting, so I’ve had that calling.

“I was at university at St Andrew’s where I studied philosophy for four years, and I’ve done four years now training to be a priest, and have another three to go, so I’m going to begin my fifth year after the summer.”

Paul has been given a three week placement at St Bride’s, and has thoroughly enjoyed the experience in Cambuslang.

He explained: “I’m now in the third week of a three week placement, and I’ve learned so much in a short space of time. It’s just a shame so short.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, as it’s been a very welcoming parish, as not every priest will welcome in students, but Father Morton has been very good with me.

“And Cambuslang is such a welcoming community and there’s a really nice feel about it.

“I’ve been working in St Bride’s and St Charles’ Primary Schools, which is a nice experience, as I’ve been able to sit in on classes and see how the children interact with their teacher in normal lessons, and I’ve been able to give little reflection­s. You learn very quickly what you need to improve on!

“And it’s such a vibrant church community too, with things happening at St Bride’s every day - from toddlers to older people, everyone gets involved, and you see what can be done.

“It’s been a great experience, to observe all of that, and you see what a parish can really be like with everyone working together.

“It’s great to see different crosssecti­ons of the church community coming together, people with families, people by themselves, and it’s just fantastic.”

He added: “After another three years, God willing, I will be ordained as a priest, and a place like Cambuslang would be a great place to live and work. I feel at home here already.”

Cambuslang is such a welcoming community and there’s a really nice feel about it

 ??  ?? Welcomed Paul Denney has been working with Father Paul Morton at St Bride’s as a seminarian.
Welcomed Paul Denney has been working with Father Paul Morton at St Bride’s as a seminarian.

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