Rutherglen Reformer

Answers have been given


Judging by the length of his letter in last week’s Reformer it’s clear how John Maxwell passes his time when Cambuslang Rangers have a blank week.

But both Mr Maxwell and Neal McShane (Labour Parliament­ary Election Agent) could have saved both time and ink had they paid any attention to recent televised debates.

Because all the questions they raise have been answered.

On currency, we now know that Scotland can keep the pound because Alistair Darling said so: “Yes Scotland can keep the pound... it’s just not what I want.”

On pensions, the Department of Work and Pensions have stated: “If Scotland becomes independen­t this will have no effect on your state pension - you will continue to receive it just as you do at present.”

On oil, (that great burden on Scots) Jo Swinson MP, Parliament­ary under Secretary of State, representi­ng Better Together confirmed that, “control over oil revenue would not be among any extra powers, if any, transferre­d to Scotland in the event of a No vote... oil is a UK asset.”

On the NHS, Allyson Pollock, professor of public health research and policy at Queen Mary University of London has warned that health reforms south of the Border... “would have ‘serious’ consequenc­es for Scotland. A Yes vote would free Scotland from the ‘strangleho­ld’ of the Westminste­r Treasury and allow Scots politician­s to control public finances and Scottish NHS policy.”

So, Mr Maxwell and Mr McShane, the questions have been answered. It’s simply the case that those in the No camp don’t like the answers.

Fortunatel­y for Scotland the voters are, as the most recent polls show, putting their trust in the YES vision of a fairer and better Scotland and rejecting the dismal, repetitive fear tactics of the No hopers.

I believe that hope always wins over fear and that Scots voters will make the right decision about their future on September 18. Councillor Gordon Clark, SNP, Rutherglen Central and North.

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