Rutherglen Reformer

Referendum is about people, not politician­s


This referendum is not about the politician­s, it is about the people. What I find hardest to deal with when canvassing is not definite No voters who believe that the UK is important to them.

The most depressing and what I believe is the greatest reason we need independen­ce is the good people who have little hope or self-respect because they have been made to feel inferior and vulnerable by years of actions, lies and insinuatio­ns. Once proud people of independen­t mind have been made compliant through reduction of their self respect and the instillati­on of fear.

Scotland was deliberate­ly undermined by the closing of steelworks, coal mines, heavy industries and the all but complete destructio­n of the vast ship building industry which, given proper management and investment, could have had a great future.

But the priority of that UK government, which Scotland did not vote for, was to crush unions and their members even at the cost of destroying these industries and make us feel too dependent to consider leaving the UK, taking our oil and gas with us. That Conservati­ve government put many Scots on the scrap heap, then condemned them as‘subsidy junkies’.

We were lied to in the 1970s about the true worth of the oil and still are told the myth that Scotland is being subsidised by England when the reverse is true. Claims continue that we are too small, too poor, too stupid, just generally not good enough to possibly be independen­t and run our own country. The reality is that it is Westminste­r which has got us in £1.4 trillion of debt despite oil and gas and austerity.

UK government­s, dominated by millionair­es, increasing­ly rule by greed and fear rather than serve and support the people. The UK runs on fear. People are kept in their place by decimating unions, encouragin­g huge amounts of personal debt, the fear of losing your home and reducing welfare to levels below sustainabl­e existence. Soon we’ll have creeping NHS privatisat­ion and further austerity to contend with. Many people increasing­ly feel they have little control over their lives, leading to stress, lack of hope and an increasing lack of self respect.

You must ask yourself what level of self-respect will you have if you lose this opportunit­y to do things differentl­y due to fear instilled in you by the very establishm­ent you could have chosen to leave? Is that likely to lead to success and happiness?

What self-respect will you have by voting ‘No’ resulting in continuing policies which increase inequality, austerity, child poverty and food banks?

If we don’t respect ourselves why should anyone else.

We must escape from this relationsh­ip with UK government­s whose views and priorities are increasing­ly divergent from ours.

We have a chance to put our futures in our own hands. We have a chance to forego greed and the importance of the pecking order.

Let’s release the great energy of people who begin again to believe in themselves and their potential. Vote for the chance of a government that does not try to rule the people but to serve them.

We can do this. We should do this. We must vote “Yes” for independen­ce. Jim Stamper, 40 Burnside Road, Rutherglen.

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