Rutherglen Reformer

Winner Craig gives Dougie a helping hand


There was a change to the norm this week as Duncan handed his teaching reigns over to Kirkhill member Craig Ross, who recently won the Glenfarcas Open on the PGA Euro-Pro Tour.

Top amateur Craig took Douglas to the Kirkhill practice ground to run the rule over his swing.

And he was reasonably impressed with what he saw, at least at the start, saying “He hits a good ball for a 16 handicap.”

The biggest tip Craig offered was on Douglas’s alignment.

He said: “His hips and feet are too closed, so he need to open them a bit.

“People will tend to swing along their feet, so he’s taking the club away, and it’s causing him to cut across the ball.”

Ironically, alignment, especially with the shoulders, is something Douglas has been working on all year.

Craig added: “If he can align everything up correctly, it should let him hit the ball a lot straighter.

Having won on the PGA Euro-Pro Tour, Kirkhill golfer Craig Ross this week gives some useful hints to reporter Douglas Dickie to improving his game

“He’ll probably always hit the ball with a slight cut, because that’s just how he swings naturally, but that’s fine.”

After impressing with the first few shots, Douglas ended with a shank and a duff, showing why he really is a 16 handicappe­r.

Douglas joked: “Yeah, I think Craig’s got something, I’m available for tips whenever he wants.

“Seriously though, I’d like to thank him for taking the time out to give me a few pointers. It was greatly appreciate­d.”

It should let him hit the ball a lot straighter

 ??  ?? Helping handCraig Ross, a winner on the Europro Tour, gives Douglas some pointers on the Kirkhill practice ground
Helping handCraig Ross, a winner on the Europro Tour, gives Douglas some pointers on the Kirkhill practice ground
 ??  ?? On the lineAfter working on his alignment, Douglas will be hoping to improve his scoring on the course
On the lineAfter working on his alignment, Douglas will be hoping to improve his scoring on the course
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