Rutherglen Reformer

Thought for the Week


Here in Rutherglen as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and New Year, it has been a challengin­g time for many people as they try to provide food and shelter for their families.

What really encourages us is the response that so many people have made to this difficult situation for many of our brothers and sisters. We have witnessed generosity on a heroic scale from so many people, who have given their time and material support in solidarity with those in need.

CAPIR have lent their support to the establishm­ent and administra­tion of our community food bank.

There is a great sensitivit­y displayed by the helpers shown to those who request help and informatio­n. When we are in need, it’s difficult to request help and that help is given in such a profession­al way.

Many of our families in these difficult times find themselves in a situation that they have never experience­d before. That those involved in helping exercise their role in such a sensitive and profession­al way is a tribute to them all.

This solidarity displayed by so many people here in Rutherglen demonstrat­es a core values that we all share. That is a real sense of community and concern when people are experienci­ng difficulty.

We have been very aware during the past year of those from the community who were lost and injured in the great wars, especially in the first Great War. During those dark days many families sent their loved ones to defend their country and their way of life. The town abounds with stories of men and woman standing side by side 100 years ago. This thread of solidarity has been transmitte­d through the generation­s down to our own day.

So many churches and organisati­ons which form the fabric of the Rutherglen community have become part of this response and have lent their practical support.

We are happy as well to be part of organising the Christmas party for the needy people of our town that we host on Friday December 12 a further indication of our willingnes­s to unite in supporting those in need. We also look forward to our party in the New Year sponsored by the Mortified Society.

Here in St Columbkill­e’s we were also reminded of the spirit of generosity this week when we welcomed home for a visit Fr John Sweeney a son of this great town. Fr John and his brother Fr Martin were missionari­es for many years in Africa. Their sister Roma was also a health visitor here in the Royal Burgh. Their example of selfless giving to those in need should be inspiratio­n to us all.

To all people of good will in our great town may we extend a heartfelt wish that we continue in our efforts to live in peace and in harmony with all our brothers and sisters and continue to have a special care for those in need.

May I wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and a good New Year. Father Pat Hennessy, St Columbkill­e’s.

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