Rutherglen Reformer

General election campaignin­g starts in earnest

- Douglas Dickie

Political parties in Rutherglen and Cambuslang are gearing up for this year’s General Election.

The nation goes to the polls on May 7, with national parties upping their campaigns just after New Year.

Labour’s Tom Greatrex MP is defending a majority of over 21,000 in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West constituen­cy, the second biggest in Scotland.

But last year’s referendum appears to have turned Scottish politics on its head, with the SNP currently enjoying a huge lead in the polls and an influx in membership.

Mr Greatrex said this week the Tories had failed to cut the deficit and had failed working people in Rutherglen and Cambuslang.

And he reiterated the Labour message that a vote for the SNP could let the Tories back into power.

He said: “In an election where voting against Labour MPs can only increase the chances of Cameron being at the head of the largest party and staying in Downing Street, the choice is very stark.

“By any measure, the Cameron record is woeful and we have a chance to hasten a new approach with Labour policies - increasing the minimum wage, ending the exploitati­on of zero hours contracts, incentivis­ing companies to pay the living wage, tackling the broken energy market and using the proceeds of a mansion tax to boost NHS funding.

“Over the next four months there will doubtless be the usual sound and fury - but the judgement is between whether we continue on a broken road of pessimism or the chance to rebuild.”

The SNP have yet to select their candidate. Despite polls suggesting they could effectivel­y wipe Labour off the Scottish map, Rutherglen branch organiser Councillor Gordon Clark admitted they faced a tough task to turn Rutherglen and Hamilton West yellow.

He said: “I would not say it’s impossible but it will be very hard.

“There is a big majority to overcome, obviously, but the way things are just now, anything is possible.

“We will be running a full-blooded campaign out in the streets. We’ll be out on the Main Street this Saturday so we can keep the momentum going.”

The Liberal Democrat’s have also still to announce their candidate. The Tories coalition partners are bracing themselves for a backlash from the electorate.

They finished third in Rutherglen last time around. Councillor Robert Brown, said people in Rutherglen and Cambuslang were better off because of Liberal Democrat policies.

He added: “We helped to win the referendum and are delivering a new deal for the Scottish Parliament which will safeguard Scotland’s future as part of the United Kingdom.

“Now we are moving from rescue to renewal – with over £ 1billion of investment through the City Deal for this area; building more opportunit­y for young people and for families – securing a brighter future.

“Liberal Democrats will be fighting on our record of achievemen­t. We are the only party that can deliver a strong economy and a fair society.”

The Conservati­ves managed just 9.7 per cent of the vote in 2010, but candidate Taylor Muir said the Tories were best placed to deliver a strong economy.

He added: “This election is about the path our country should take for the next generation to come.

“I believe we must stick to our long term economic plan rather than opt for the chaos of Ed Milliband in Downing Street, potentiall­y propped up by the SNP who would demand another referendum in return.

“The only way we can achieve prosperity and social justice in our community as well as protecting our local NHS services is by having a strong economy to pay for it.”

 ??  ?? Conservati­ve Taylor Muir
Conservati­ve Taylor Muir
 ??  ?? Labour Tom Greatrex MP
Labour Tom Greatrex MP

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