Rutherglen Reformer

Family man Peter encourages pair

Slimming World duo meet TV star

- Kenny Smith

Two Slimming World consultant­s from Rutherglen say meeting singer and TV presenter Peter Andre was the perfect way to get set for a super-slimming start to 2015.

Carrina McGovern and Carol Downes were thrilled to get a chance to cuddle up to Peter when he co-hosted the Slimming World Awards with the organisati­on’s chair and founder Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE.

Carol, who runs a Slimming World group at Rutherglen West and Wardlawhil­l Parish Church every Tuesday, hopes even more people will benefit from making healthy lifestyle changes this New Year: “I truly believe that joining Slimming World is the best way for people to lose weight this January. Getting off to a great start is really important when embarking on a slimming plan; seeing results on the scales and feeling lighter and brighter will motivate people to keep going and achieve their goals. Everyone will be sure of a fab start with Slimming World this New Year and even if people have struggled to stick to weight loss plans in the past, I know we can help them to make a change for life this time around – my members and their success are proof of that.

“Slimming World’s Food Optimising plan isn’t a ‘diet’, we simply help our members to discover new healthy habits and a healthier way of eating that they can enjoy without ever feeling hungry or deprived.

“They make small easy changes to the way they shop, cook and eat, introduce activity to their daily routine, and get regular support to reward their successes and overcome the hurdles they face along the way. This helps them to stick to their personal goals and can make a big difference to the way members feel about themselves as well as their weight.

“On top of seeing success on the scales, our groups are great places to make friends. We’ve had a lot of fun throughout the year – we’ve held parties, raised money for charity and members have cheered each other on with every step of their weight loss journey. I can’t wait to see what 2015 holds for Slimming World in Rutherglen and I’d love anyone who’s thinking about losing weight this January to join us.”

Carrina, who runs a Slimming World group at St Benedict’s Chapel Hall, Easterhous­e said: “I’m so proud of all of our members. They’ve lost fantastic amounts of weight throughout 2014, with many of them reaching their target weights and improving their health substantia­lly.”

Two-time celebrity dad-of-the-year Peter, said he was delighted to meet Carrina and Carol at the event, which was held at Birmingham’s Internatio­nal Convention Centre.

He added: “At the awards I met lots of people who’ve lost incredible amounts of weight and it has completely transforme­d their lives – and their families’ lives too.

“And every single one of them told me that they couldn’t have made those changes without the support of their Slimming World group and their Consultant, so people like Carrina and Carol are clearly very important.”

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Peter Andre with Carol Downes (left) and Carrine McGovern
Delighted Peter Andre with Carol Downes (left) and Carrine McGovern

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