Rutherglen Reformer

Thought for the Week


New Year is traditiona­lly the time when we make plans.

We try to put disappoint­ment, doubt, even despair behind us and we look forward to a fresh start, to a future full of hope and promise.

New Year’s resolution­s are made with enthusiasm but are too soon broken. Neverthele­ss, it is good to make plans, even if those plans fail to flourish.

The one thing we can depend on however, is that God’s plans for us will flourish. They may not be evident right now and we may not want them when they do become evident, but God’s plans will always be for our good.

The prophet Jeremiah speaks God’s words: “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and nor disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”

Now, I’m sure this does not mean that your numbers will come up at the next Lotto rollover but it does mean that we can receive prosperity of spirit and all things beneficial to our life of faith.

The characters we heard about in the Christmas story, such as Mary and Joseph, all had plans for their own lives.

God in his wisdom had other plans for them which brought about the fulfilment of his purposes. There is an old saying that God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform. He certainly moved in mysterious ways which brought about the birth of a Saviour.

As you embrace this New Year, may you find courage to seek guidance from the Almighty and in doing so, you may just see him working in a mysterious way his wonders to perform. Rev Maggie McArthur, Fernhill and Cathkin Church.

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