Rutherglen Reformer



Kyle Thornton, Scottish Conservati­ve candidate for Glasgow South, joined party leader Ruth Davidson MSP in Glasgow with fellow activists to launch a new poster saying “No Thanks” to any deal with the SNP.

It made clear the party’s commitment to the Union and ruled out any kind of deal with the SNP after the General Election.

After revealing a poster which uses the No Thanks logo from last year’s independen­ce referendum, Ruth told activists that Labour had “failed to respond to the challenge” posed by the SNP since the referendum.

Talking about the poster launch, Kyle said: “We launched a poster which makes clear we will not go into any kind of deal with the SNP.

“As the Scottish Conservati­ve and Unionist Party, we don’t think those who want to break up Britain should govern Britain.

“It’s clear Labour are willing to put the union at risk simply for a swipe at power and I’m proud that our party is the only one in Glasgow South willing to rule out any kind of deal with the SNP.

“With only weeks until polling day, I’m asking people to back me here in South to send a message that they want a responsibl­e Conservati­ve Government, not five years of chaos with Labour and the SNP.”

Ruth Davidson added: “I stood in the trenches last year with a number of Labour MPs and MSPs who fought hard to keep our country together because they believed it to be worth fighting for.

“And I cannot imagine the betrayal they must feel from their own leadership to have the referendum result undermined - or perhaps even traded away - in the courtship dance we’re witnessing now.”

“People want a party which says it straight. I promise so to do. So when it comes to a deal with the SNP? I say today what I said in September. No. Thanks.”

She pledged to stand up for the 55 per cent of No voters who last year made it clear they did not want independen­ce, and do not want a re-run of last year’s referendum.

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