Rutherglen Reformer

Did Tom Greatrex apologise for retweet?


I was surprised to read in the Reformer of Tom Greatrex having a moanfest about an inferred slight against him on Twitter.

Is this the same Tom Greatrex who (at least according to the Guardian newspaper) retweeted Douglas Alexander’s musings on the Telegraph story slandering Nicola Sturgeon? If so, I must have missed his apology.

The Guardian is of course, famous for its misprints, so maybe they were wrong and Mr Greatrex was not one of those Labour politician­s who were prematurel­y enjoying themselves over a fake story published in the right wing press.

Regardless, there were certainly plenty of them popping champagne corks in their Labour echo-chamber at the thought of their prejudices being true.

It’s a shame for them that the reality was the opposite of their collective fantasy.

Labour politician­s should really know better than to parrot tosh from the Tory press, but they got so used to being in bed with them during the referendum debate that they seem to have lost the capacity for critical thinking.

Funnily enough, I noticed that all those Big Business scare stories that Better Together aimed at the Yes campaign are now being recycled against Labour. They aren’t half reaping what they have sown!

Mr Alexander was also moaning about the impact of the internet recently, and no doubt there is much mince to be read there, though certainly less than in any statement from Jim Murphy.

As Branch Manager of the North British Labour Party, Mr Murphy was firmly rebuked last Monday by his more senior colleagues from London (the real managers) when he was caught out with the false“no cuts in Scotland”promise that he spouted in recent televised debates.

While Jim Murphy and Labour pretend to be on the left in Scotland, they show their real face in the south when competing with UKIP and the Tories.

There, the game is cuts and right wing rhetoric about immigrants.

Here, it is“no cuts and lets pretend we aren’t flirting with the racists and xenophobes”. It’s almost as if Labour think we don’t get BBC London on the news here.

Besides the fact that we can witness Labour’s hypocritic­al twin track campaign on TV, the internet and social media allows rapid critique of statements pumped out by politician­s and the mainstream press.

The old way of treating people like mushrooms (fed manure and kept in the dark) is history. Hopefully by May 8, a significan­t number of one-time Labour MPs will also be history.

It’s what they deserve. David Stevenson, By email.

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