Rutherglen Reformer

Around the bowling greens



Burnside Bowling Club held their opening day last Saturday. Accompanie­d by glorious sunshine club president Neil Coats welcomed members old and new to the new season.

As well as this they had a good turnout of guests from many of the local bowling clubs and distinguis­hed guests with Tom Greatrex, James Kelly and Robert Brown giving up their time to attend.

President Neil welcomed new members to the club as well as having a minutes silence for those who could no longer be there. Lady President and past champion Jean Worrall helped proceeding­s get underway by throwing the first bowls of the season.

An afternoon of bowling and socialisin­g followed and all in all was an excellent start to 2015 season.


Halfway and District Bowling Club will host a try bowls event this Sunday at 1pm. All are welcome to come up and give bowls a try. Membership­s are still available at £60 for the first year, and members with kids’ membership­s are free.

Last Friday saw the Ladies section hosting their opening game at Halfway and District Bowling Club. The weather was kind and an enjoyable day and evening was had by all.

This Saturday sees ladies day (sponsored by Drumsagard Academy 2001’s) held at the club with a 1pm start.

This is always an enjoyable sociable day with prizes available for the winners.

The mixed pairs (sponsored by Robert and Anna Dick) will take place on Saturday May 2 with a 10am start. This competitio­n used to start at 11am but the earlier start will give the club more time in what is always a busy day.

Members should see the notice boards for other tournament­s that are coming up. The draws for the knockout ties will take place on Sunday afternoon.


Kirkhill Bowling Club was opened for the season in perfect warm sunny weather conditions when the president’s wife Linda rolled the ‘silver’ jack and President Roy Linder declared the greens open for play.

More than 120 members, visitors and guests attended the opening with around 68 players on the greens. Visiting clubs included Portland Kilmarnock, Cambuslang, Burnside, Templeton, Killermont, Mount Vernon, Rutherglen and Halfway and District, as well as officials from Scottish Bowls, Rutherglen and District Bowls Associatio­n and Glasgow Bowls Associatio­n.

Davie Fleming the green keeper, Ronnie Wilson the greens convener, and committee members had worked hard to make for wonderful playing conditions and a pleasant spectating environmen­t in the club grounds and clubhouse.

Before play started Vice President John O’Brien had the duty of introducin­g the 21 new members to the club. The new members are Fraser Wilson, Ian Ross, James Friel, Jim Walker, Ronald Lewis, Margaret Conroy, Thomas Baird, Brian Gallacher, Ian Lowe, Joy Lowe , William Shepherd, Martyn Robertson, Callum Morton, Kyle Reid, Marilyn Smellie, John Corbrough, Margaret Burt, Eric Donaldson, Ann Mallan, Ian Savage and Willie Henderson and asked existing members to welcome the new members.

The group of new members ranged from those restarting bowls after a break to completely new players and former county level players.

On opening day what they all had in common was the shared enjoyment, of a friendly welcoming atmosphere and a pleasant game of bowls outdoors in the sun.

One of the new members Ian Lowe joined with Jack Donaldson and skip Alex Smith to win the Presidents prize. An innovation to add fun to games was the ‘mini prize bell’.

Players were warned that after they heard the club hand bell ringing during play the first rink to play a bowl which touched the jack would win a small prize. Loads of laughter and claims for prizes were heard but speed of play increased and the duty directors decisions were final.

During and after play light refreshmen­ts and tea were served by committee members. Members enjoyed the bar facilities and raffle tickets and materials for the popular red box social night were available.

The Red Box Night is scheduled for Saturday May 23 and members should approach a committee member or duty director for informatio­n about tickets or see the notice board.

After refreshmen­ts John O’Brien gave vote of thanks to a range of people.

These included the President’s wife, those helping with catering and providing refreshmen­ts or making raffle donations or distributi­ng tickets. There were thanks to Davy Fleming for the condition of the greens and for setting the flag, to the committee for their hard work organizing the day and for giving up the chance to play.

Reformer photograph­er Norman Inglis was recognised, as was the hard work of the bar staff and duty director. The main thanks were to the members for their fabulous turnout and for generating a great playing atmosphere on the day.

There followed a presentati­on of flowers to Mrs Linder by the vice–president and an amusing and thoughtful closing speech by President Roy Linder. Roy made special mention of the work of Gordon McLellan who had stepped in at the last minute to act as match secretary organising the rinks format and to Tom Greatrex for his attendance.

Roy emphasized that he was strongly supported by his wife Linda and thanked her warmly for her help on the day and in the days to come in his Presidency.

Roy then closed the formal proceeding­s but informal get togethers continued for quite a time.


This Saturday, April 25, Rutherglen Bowling Club are holding their annual Jimmy Reid triples game with 72 players taking part.

This year they are being sponsored by Munns Funeral Directors. They are also holding a raffle with the prizes being donated by the sponsors and the proceeds going to Calum’s Cabin.

The game starts at noon and is scheduled to finish at 5pm with the prizes being presented shortly afterwards.


Saturday saw the first internal competitio­n of the season played in glorious weather.

The gents balloted pairs was won by Norrie Inglis and Michael O’Hagan in a tight and exciting final against Charlie Keenan and Tom McLinden.

On Monday, the gents aggregate was won by Hugh Dougan and Jim Molloy who finished eight shots up.

This Saturday the ladies balloted pairs tournament will be held with a start time of 10.30am for 11am.

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