Rutherglen Reformer

Bike fest is wheely good fun

- Douglas Dickie

Residents of Rutherglen got on their bikes on Saturday for a cycling festival in Overtoun Park.

The event was organised by CamGlen bike town and featured a host of activities and stalls. And what’s more, the sun shone brightly to make it a perfect day to celebrate all things two-wheeled.

Residents in Rutherglen got on their bike on Saturday when they enjoyed Camlen Bike Town’s Cycling Festival in Overtoun Park.

The event proved a great success, with around 150 people turning out to enjoy the summer sunshine on the day.

Radworx enjoyed an interactiv­e BMX workshops while Cycling Scotland’s goMTB skills track paid a visit.

Groups such as NHS Lanarkshir­e, South Lanarkshir­e anti- social behaviour team, Friends of Overtoun Park and Overtoun Park Community Growing Project were also there handing out informatio­n.

Perhaps the favourite stall though was Brucie’s Amazing Pedal- Power Sound System, which had at least one local a little flummoxed.

Bike Town’s Jim Ewing laughed: “That went down a storm, and there was actually one wee girl who didn’t believe it would work so we got everyone to stop pedalling and the music stopped.

“You should have seen her face.

“It was a great day, there was good mix of cycling groups and local community groups.”

Among those enjoying the fun was Councillor Robert Brown, who said: “It was clear that a lot of both young people and adults enjoyed the event and some were motivated to take up cycling for the first time.

“Bike Town is a really successful project and I am very glad to be involved with it. The potential to grow interest and participat­ion in cycling in Rutherglen and Cambuslang is tremendous – particular­ly on nice days like Saturday.

“I had a go on the static bike but I think I need to build up my stamina!”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Family affair The Inglis family - mum Heather and dad David with Katie (5) and Hannah (10) - arrive at the event
Family affair The Inglis family - mum Heather and dad David with Katie (5) and Hannah (10) - arrive at the event
 ??  ?? Pedal power David Paton from Cambuslang tries out the obstacle course
Pedal power David Paton from Cambuslang tries out the obstacle course
 ??  ?? In tune Graeme Bell of Camglen Radio tries out the bike-powered karaoke
In tune Graeme Bell of Camglen Radio tries out the bike-powered karaoke

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