Rutherglen Reformer

‘Gers honour Davy

- Douglas Dickie

Rangers fans have organised a tribute night to one of Cambuslang’s most famous sons.

Outside left Davy Wilson, who was born and bred in Newton Village, made 373 appearance for the Ibrox side between 1957 and 1967, scoring 157 goals along the way.

He was an integral part of the early-60’s Rangers line-up that rolls of the tongue of light blues fans - Ritchie; Shearer, Caldow; Greig, McKinnon, Baxter ; Henderson, McMillan, Millar, Brand and Wilson.

Davy (76) went on to play for Dundee United, Dumbarton and Kilmarnock before hanging up his boots. He was capped for Scotland 22 times, scoring 10 goals in the process.

Now, fan Simon Leslie has put together a dinner to be held at Ibrox on Saturday, July 25.

Not only was Davy a great player, he has become a familiar face at fan events over the years and has helped out the Rangers Supporters Trust in recent times.

Davy told the Reformer: “I am thrilled, it’s a huge honour for the fans to recognise me, especially with it being at Ibrox.

“I’m looking forward to it, although it came as a bit of a surprise.

“I like to get in amongst the fans because I am one of them. I still go to Ibrox every week and sometimes away games.

“I’ve travelled on supporters buses and the team bus recently.

“It’s been a tough few years for Rangers.

“But the guys there now seem to know what they are doing.”

Davy holds the distinctio­n of being the only player to score six goals for Rangers in one game, managing the feat in a game against Falkirk in 1962.

In a decade at Ibrox, he won five league titles, five Scottish Cups and four League Cups as well as playing in a European final. His exploits earned him a place in the Rangers Hall of Fame.

As a manager, he enjoyed success with Dumbarton, guiding them to the old premier division in the 1980’s.

Simon told the Reformer Davy deserved all the plaudits coming his way: “I have done a lot of stuff with the Rangers Supporters Trust and Davy comes along and helps out with the kids and families.

“He comes to every event and he’s never taken a penny, I feel he’s due a tribute. He represents the club on a weekly basis.

“As a player, he scored six goals in one game then five goals in the next. The team he played in, ask any Rangers fan over 50 or 60 and they can go through that team.

“Tickets have only been out a week and we’ve already sold half.”

Tickets for the event cost £40. As well as Davy, speakers will include former referee Bobby Tait and former rangers defender, John Brown. Contact sie1872@ for details.

 ??  ?? Legend Davy Wilson is set to be honoured by Rangers fans
Legend Davy Wilson is set to be honoured by Rangers fans
 ??  ?? Star Davy Wilson in his playing days
Star Davy Wilson in his playing days

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