Rutherglen Reformer

A summer fete to remember

- Will Henshaw

Burnside Bowling Club are hoping to top their best ever summer fete - which was held over 20 years ago.

For on the Glasgow Fair weekend, 1994, the bowling club, located on Burnside Road, held a hugely successful fete which brought in the crowds from Burnside and surroundin­g areas.

There was a great turnout largely due to the warm sunny day that ensured a great day out for all.

The club had many attraction­s including bottle stalls, bric-a–brac and face painting as well as many other stalls and activities to keep the crowds fully entertaine­d.

There was also a cake stall and the tea room was fully supported by the club’s lady members who enjoyed baking for the day and joined in by helping the food disappear as record numbers clambered for the home baking.

The bar also went down well and at that time the club had volunteer bar staff from the gents section and at peak times five members manned the bar during the day to ensure everyone was well watered and kept cool.

One of the activities on the bowling green was a nearest the bottle target bowls game with the bowl closest to the bottle winning the prize. A young Marc Stirratt succeeded in this event and won a bottle of whisky for his effort, which was duly confiscate­d by his dad.

Marc, like many others who attended that day got the bowling bug and he joined as a junior member and went on to win the Gents Senior Championsh­ip.

The 1994 fete was proclaimed as “the most successful fete in our history” by then Club President Geoff McNee. And now the club are hoping to top it, for this year they have once again got a host of activities planned.

It will be held this Saturday (July 18) from 1.30pm till 4pm.

Activities include face painting, target bowls, beat the goalie, tombolla, bottle stall as well as cake and candy.

Member of the club Kenneth Stirratt said: “There will also be the chance to throw a wet sponge at someone you have wanted to for a while!

“The bar and tea room will also be in full swing and all members, friends and those who are looking for somewhere to go for a good afternoon will be welcome. Entrance is free so come along and see if we can achieve the same crowds and happy faces that we did 21 years ago.”

 ??  ?? Well done Marc Stirratt winning the bottle prize presented by Club President Geoff McNee at the 1994 fete
Well done Marc Stirratt winning the bottle prize presented by Club President Geoff McNee at the 1994 fete
 ??  ?? Piece of cake Former Club Secretary John Cameron keeping a watchful eye over the Burnside ladies doing a great trade at the cake stall in 1994
Piece of cake Former Club Secretary John Cameron keeping a watchful eye over the Burnside ladies doing a great trade at the cake stall in 1994
 ??  ?? Winner Tombola prize winner Bunty Chambers being presented by Club President Geoff McNee
Winner Tombola prize winner Bunty Chambers being presented by Club President Geoff McNee

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