Rutherglen Reformer

Countdown is on to the popular Infusion nights

- Jonathan Geddes

If we want a nice garden, then sowing, weeding, tending, watering, and jobs to be endured before we gather the fruit or flowers, working for results, now work out your salvation - that is, put it to the test, show others that it really works, God giveth the increase.

Talking of gardens, toiling and reaping a reward, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness temperance.”

What a bundle of first fruits, what a creation, so different from the normal nature of mankind, not much evidence of these attributes outside of the power of the Spirit of God - man trying to be good but failing, little faith, relying on facts too much.

Every man wanting the esteem of fellow man, pride of place to the fore, all given to excess in drink, love, money making, little gentleness, in fact gross cruelty to fellow man, no patience at home, on the road, rushing, shoving, determined to be in front at all costs, demanding that all must be done to better oneself, and even fighting to be master of every situation.

What a contract people are between themselves, but if we are to follow the master, then we must abide in Him, bearing the fruit of the Spirit, and bring joy to Himself as He sees replicas of His resurrecti­on in the lives of those who profess to be Christians.

As the scripture verses continue, we read: “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Now this is the most fundamenta­l difference between the two natures.

We of ourselves cannot please God, all the good we try to do in our own strength, shows up as filthy rags in the presence of a Holy God, we have to stand before Him in the merit of His Son’s worth, and His work of Calvary.

He, the Lord Jesus, through His death, brought us into the new position as children of God, having made peace and taken our just rewards for our sins He also provided the power to live a holy life from now on.

Walking means step by step, standing means being in the presence of God the father, sitting, means a place in Christ in the heavenlies, and glorificat­ion means changed in His likeness when we see Him face to face.

Hence the reality of ‘Abide in Me, and I in you,’ as the Lord Jesus told His loved ones. Major Mike Watkins, The Salvation Army, Rutherglen.

Croftfoot Parish Church are hoping that local teenagers will be getting infused this August.

The church will be holding their popular Infusion youth evenings over three nights in August, from Wednesday August 5 to Friday, August 7.

This is the fourth year for the evenings, which feature quizzes, sports and food, and are aimed at teenagers in S3 at school or over.

Croftfoot minister Rev Robert Silver believes the evenings have several benefits.

He said: “It’s a youth club with pool, volleyball, table tennis and then we usually have a BBQ at the end, too.

“There’s quizzes and we do talk about the Christian faith as well.

“It seems to go down very well, and we usually get between 12 and 20 people coming along.

“What we’ve found in the past is that while everyone has a lot of fun, there’s an interest in the spiritual issues, too - they are always quite interested in talking about it, and it’s a two way conversati­on - it’s not about just talking to them, but about having a conversati­on and hearing their thoughts.”

Robert feels that the evenings can also help Croftfoot get their message across to teenagers who might not attend the usual services.

He added: “We’re not expecting all of them to be coming through the doors on a Sunday morning, but it’s a way of letting them talk about these issues.

“There’s half a dozen volunteers who help run everything, and their hard work is really appreciate­d.”

The church will also continue with its popular Rise and Shine children’s club, from August 3 to August 7.

The club’s been going strong for 40 years now, and will be taking place from 9.30am each day of the week.

Games, football, craft, drama and stories are on offer, along with the always popular tuck shop.

The Infusion nights then start at 7.30pm and S3 pupils and over are are welcome to attend.

 ??  ?? On song Croftfoot Parish Church’s Infusion events are always a great success
On song Croftfoot Parish Church’s Infusion events are always a great success

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