Rutherglen Reformer

May is bowls champ at 94

Sporty OAP sees off competitor­s to lift cup

- Murray Spooner

A woman from Rutherglen has seen off some stiff competitio­n to win an indoor bowls trophy - at the grand old age of 94.

This week, May MacGregor collected the Jubilee Cup at the Rutherglen Old Parish Church, where she has played bowls weekly for five months.

The mother of two is a member of Templeton Bowling Club but also attends the carpet bowls at the church every Monday.

Throughout October to March, May played in various bowls categories which enabled her to keep fit and socialise.

She collected the trophy at the church’s AGM where there was a prize giving ceremony for all the members.

And she admits that she was delighted, if more than a little shocked, to have seen off such good competitor­s to take the honour.

May said: “I was surprised when I won just because I was playing against two good players. “I really enjoy it. “We get a good cup of tea and we have nice ladies there as well.

“There was a lot of competitio­ns like the singles, pairs and aggregate categories. I put my name down for everything.

“I won the Jubilee Cup and won three ties on the final day.”

May is already looking ahead to continuing her sporting exploits come the summer and added: “I play at the parish church on a Monday and at Templeton’s on a Tuesday, but I will start playing outdoors in the summer.”

May, who was born and bred in Rutherglen , grew up on Greenhills Road and attended Burgh Primary and the since demolished Gallowflat High School.

She was married to husband Bill in 1945, who was in the Royal Air Force. He returned from India to marry May who worked at Templeton’s Carpet Factory. Bill sadly died in 1994. The great grandmothe­r regularly keeps fit and healthy by walking, playing bowls and taking part in country dancing classes after teaching it for many years.

May, has two sons as well as three grandchild­ren and three great grandchild­ren — Emily, Nathan and Sam.

Her granddaugh­ter Lynsey Coull added: “She has a better social life than me and she’s a very fit lady.”

The bowling club at the Old Parish Church will return to compete for the trophies on October 3.

If you are interested in getting involved please contact president Janet Keenan on 0141 647 8828.

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