Rutherglen Reformer

You could find the reason here


I don’t know why I’m overweight. I eat really healthily.

This is something that people say to me frequently.

When I mention to people that I work for Weight Watchers they quite often start to question me as to why, when they eat a seemingly health diet, they can’t lose weight.

The simple fact is that they are not burning off the amount of calories that they are eating and drinking.

If this sounds like you then there could be several reasons for this:

Your portion sizes could be too large

You could be grazing on food without really thinking about it. You think your drinks don’t count. You are exercising but you are overestima­ting the amount that you actually do.

You are rewarding yourself with food after exercising.

You are cooking healthy foods in a not-so-healthy manner, for example potatoes as fried chips

You are not listening to your body’s satisfacti­on levels. You are eating the kids’ leftovers You could be eating healthily during the week and then your socialisin­g gets in the way at the weekend.

You genuinely don’t know what is a healthy diet and what isn’t.

A good start would be to keep a track of what you are eating and drinking by writing down every single thing that you consume.

This is usually an eye-opener as our memory is often very selective when it comes to our food intake.

Have a really good look at the list above and ask yourself how many of these reasons apply to you.

Joining one of our friendly Weight Watchers meetings could be just what you need to set you in the right direction and give you all the help and support that will help you reach your goals and become a healthier, happier you.

Info at www.weightwatc­herslocal. 100ml skimmed milk 50g low fat spread plus extra for greasing 250g gluten-free flour 12g yeast, fresh 30g caster sugar ¼ tsp salt one egg, beaten one medium apple 25g sultanas 20g candied mixed peel one zest of orange 2½ tsps mixed spice ½ tsp ground cinnamon One tsp xanthan gum When the milk mixture is lukewarm pour it into the bowl of flour with the beaten egg and combine until smooth. There is no need to knead as there is no gluten to develop.

Reserve one tbsp of the flour and place the rest in a large bowl. Rub in the yeast then stir in the sugar, salt and xanthan gum.

Place in a greased bowl, covered with cling film and leave in a warm place until doubled in size – around an hour and a half.

Once the dough has risen peel and grate the apple, squeezing out excess liquid. Add this to the dough with the sultanas, mixed peel, mixed spice, cinnamon and orange zest. Mix together until well combined.

Divide the dough into eight even balls (each should weigh roughly 75g) and place 1-2cm apart into a greased and lined 20cm springform cake tin (there should be seven buns around the edge and one in the middle).

Cover with cling film and return to a warm spot to prove for a further hour, until risen.

Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas mark four. Combine the reserved flour with two tbsp of water until smooth. Pour this into a piping bag and pipe crosses on the buns. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden and slightly risen. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

While the buns are cooling warm the apricot jam in a small pan over a low heat until runny, then use it to glaze the buns.

Our memory is often very selective about food intake

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 ??  ?? Health Fiona Pediani has a few tips
Health Fiona Pediani has a few tips

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