Rutherglen Reformer

Alexandra feels so lucky to be alive


Alexandra Hayden feels lucky to be alive after being hit by a car and flipped over the bonnet while crossing the road.

She admits she was rushing to catch a bus and didn’t look properly as she crossed the street into the path of a car.

Luckily it was only moving at around 15mph.

Alexandra, 24, from East Kilbride, fears she could have been much more seriously injured if it had been going much faster.

Alexandra said: “It was so busy at rush hour and I was determined to catch a bus I’d just seen so I ran across the road and didn’t look to see if any cars were coming.

“I saw the car at the last minute and it hit me on the side and sent me flying. I had whiplash and bad bruising as I went over the bonnet and hit the wing mirror.

“I landed back down on my tail bone and all my lower back and my backside were badly bruised. I do feel lucky because it could have been worse.

“That area is really busy and it could have been a lorry or another bus or someone driving faster. Looking back, I realise I could have died. It was really scary. Usually I’m quite a sensible person and would never expect something like that to happen to me. One minute everything was fine and the next this happened.

“What happened could have been avoided – it was just because of not thinking or looking when I crossed the road.”

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