Rutherglen Reformer

Warning over card-skimming

Cops on high alert as card fraudsters target ATMs across Rutherglen and Cambuslang

- Edel Kenealy

Residents in Rutherglen and Cambuslang are being warned to be on their guard after three ATMs were installed with card skimming devices.

Police have stepped up patrols near the machines affected although it appears no money has been stolen.

Police are stepping up patrols around cash machines in Rutherglen and Cambuslang after three ATMs were installed with card skimming devices last week.

The Nationwide Building Society and Santander Bank were reported to have been targeted along with a third ATM on Rutherglen Main Street between 5pm on April 4 and 8.30am the next morning.

To date, no customers appear to be affected by the scams, with banks confirming they have had no reported losses — something they attribute to the devices being detected quickly.

Rutherglen police are working to identify those responsibl­e for the crime, stating CCTV on the Main Street would be reviewed.

A spokeswoma­n said: “Two customers attended local police stations to say there was an issue with the ATMs. There was no money taken from their accounts but they were alerted to it because there was unusual activity at the machine.

“There will be extra patrols at the ATMs within the main streets of Rutherglen and Cambuslang.”

A spokeswoma­n for Nationwide, one of the banks affected by the scam, said it was supporting the police in their investigat­ions. “No customers have been affected by the device found in Rutherglen,” she said.

“However, if customers do notice anything suspicious with their accounts or one of our ATMs, we would advise them to contact us as soon as possible.”

She added: “The successful use of ATM skimming devices is rare across the UK. ATM losses as a result of card skimming devices are at a 10 year low due to the worldwide roll out of chip and pin ATMs. However, in cases where fraud has been committed, we’ll ensure our customers money and details are kept safe and secure.

“Nationwide is working hard to tackle financial crime and to help protect our customers from falling victim to fraud by raising awareness and providing them with informatio­n about the kind of steps they can take to protect themselves.”

Santander said they had no record of an issue at the time of the Reformer going to press.

 ??  ?? No losses Nationwide confirmed no customers had been affected by the card
No losses Nationwide confirmed no customers had been affected by the card
 ??  ?? No issues At Santander’s machines
No issues At Santander’s machines

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