Rutherglen Reformer

Staying in the EU means a fairer UK

- Margaret Ferrier

Last week, I joined First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the foot of the Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst Memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens at Westminste­r.

Assembled there also were several of my party colleagues, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, Green MP Caroline Lucas, and a large contingent of press and media.

We had gathered for the launch of the progressiv­e case for the UK’s EU membership.

Too much of the campaign on both sides has been quite negative so far, and hasn’t really provided clear answers for voters.

Our progressiv­e campaign seeks to spell out the clear reasons why people should vote to remain part of the European Union in a few weeks time.

We believe that membership of the EU is a vital part of embedding the rights and protection­s that we all depend upon.

I understand the concerns that some people have in relation to the EU, and whilst I acknowledg­e it is not perfect, I believe that the benefits are significan­t.

The EU also gives all of us the freedom to live, work, study and retire in any of its 28 member countries.

That entitles all of us to an incredible freedom of movement.

Whilst this freedom is regrettabl­y attacked by those on the other side of the debate, I believe it has been hugely beneficial to society and our economy.

The UK Government must do more to ensure that this freedom works for all.

This freedom is a great thing for all of our young people.

They are able to explore the entire continent with relative ease, immersing themselves in other cultures, and returning back to Scotland ready to contribute to our internatio­nalist and outward-looking society.

The EU is a good thing for working people across the UK.

It is responsibl­e for the rules which limit the amount of hours we have to work, which provide equal treatment for part-time and agency workers, and which guarantee health and safety in the workplace.

Our membership of the European Union continues to be a good thing for women.

From maternity and paternity leave for parents, workplace rights during pregnancy, to rules protecting against harassment and unequal treatment, women in Britain benefit from the EU.

These rules are to be cherished and protected, and we must not allow them to be eroded.

The EU really matters to all of us, all of the time.

It’s our right to get home from work in time to see our families, it’s the air that we breathe, it’s clean beaches on our holidays – and the freedom to travel visafree, it’s equality between men and women in the workplace and it’s the historical anomaly of living in a Europe of lasting peace between neighbours.

I encourage all of my constituen­ts to think long and hard about the important decision ahead of them on June 23, and to make their decision based on facts rather than fear mongering.

A vote to remain is one for a fairer, more prosperous, greener and safer UK.

Too much of the campaign on both sides has been quite negative

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 ??  ?? United front Margaret Ferrier MP (second from right) with Nicola Sturgeon and other politician­s who are backing a remain vote in the EU referendum
United front Margaret Ferrier MP (second from right) with Nicola Sturgeon and other politician­s who are backing a remain vote in the EU referendum

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