Rutherglen Reformer

Cyclist Gillian is the wheel deal on her tour of Britain

Former Stonelaw pupil enjoys her two weeks in the saddle

- Jonathan Geddes

A woman from Burnside had a wheelie good time recently after completing a cycle from England to the top of Scotland.

Gillian Ellison ( formerly Taylor) now lives in Warrington but grew up in Burnside.

She started her two week cycle on the Isle of Wight, and completed it on Orkney.

During the trip the 48 year old experience­d all sorts of weather, travel and midges!

She said: “I’d always fancied doing it after a friend told me she’d done it when she was younger and it sounded great.

“I was leaving my work and thought it was the right time to do it, as I was going to have some extra time rather than fitting it into a holiday.

“I’d normally cycle about 70 miles in a week but this was doing that in a day, every day - that was one of the toughest parts of it all.”

The former Stonelaw High pupil had plenty of highs and lows on the two week journey.

She said: “The hardest part was the times where there was busy traffic, and sometimes the weather - if that was bad, it could make you miserable doing it.

“However, if it was nice and you had nice scenery then it could be fantastic.

“Once I got past Perth and Inverness I was cycling through a part of Scotland I’d never been to before, and there was all this beautiful scenery.

“It was just me and the bike and I could appreciate it all around me.

“I finished in Orkney and there was fantastic weather - it was 21 degrees there and was a perfect way to end the cycle.”

Gillian also had a rest day, where she went back to Burnside.

She said: “I had a rest day and did my washing at my dad’s house, it’s always nice to be back.”

She was also given a helping hand by her dad Jim and his partner Maureen on the journey too, who joined her at every finish point each day to offer some support, and give her some help with her luggage.

She added: “They were carrying the luggage for me in their car, so it was great of them, they’d said they had wanted to be part of it.

“You’d see the cyclists lugging all their luggage up the hills, so I was lucky to avoid that, and then in the evenings I was able to have some company too.”

 ??  ?? On her bike! Gillian in Grittlesto­n in England
On her bike! Gillian in Grittlesto­n in England
 ??  ?? To Boldly Go Gilian and her dad Jim
To Boldly Go Gilian and her dad Jim

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