Rutherglen Reformer

Thought for the Week


This week the weather has been fabulous. Yet although the sun has shone there are very real changes apparent.

The sun may be shining but there is a chill to the wind.

The mornings are lighter later, the evenings darker earlier and it can be quite a depressing time of year.

But a saying by Percy Bysshe Shelley that always keeps me positive is, “O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

The season and the weather are not the only things changing - now that I am a grandma I’m realising that I’m changing too.

No longer full of energy after being up early and holding 11 month old Grayson as he wants me to help him walk all over the house all day, so that means a very early night after he’s gone home.

With all these changes going on in the world, we can either choose to resist change because we can only see what we have to give up, or we can instead think of what we have to gain.

Either way, life can seem like its changing too fast and too often.

But although things change, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Jesus continues to be God made flesh and living among us.

He still came to mend our broken world by sacrificin­g his life for us. He still walks with us every step of our lives in the form of God’s Spirit within us; guiding, correcting, encouragin­g and carrying us, if we would just stop and make time to hear His still small voice amongst the loudness and clamour which is our world.

We can journey through life relying on our own human frailty and vulnerabil­ity or we can travel with a companion who is with us always, to the very end of the age, someone who can make the impossible possible.

Rev Sandra Boyd. King’s Park Church

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