Rutherglen Reformer

What was your best ever Christmas toy?

We turn the clock back and ask the public

- Jonathan Geddes

They are the cute creatures that hatch from eggs – and they will be everywhere this Christmas.

Hatchimals are expected to be the most in- demand toy this Christmas.

Other expected big sellers, according to a list published by the Toy Retailers Associatio­n, will include Star Wars, Lego and Nerf blasters.

We went out to Burnside to ask residents there what their favourite toys in the past were.

Kathleen Thomson said: “Girls’ world dolls were always my favourite – you could brush their hair and put on make-up.

“Now it’s all gaming for the kids and things like the Playstatio­n VR. “

Anthea Devlin said: “I think it would be Buckaroo or something like that, where everyone’s interactin­g with it. I don’t think the kids get as much interactio­n with video games and things like that now as you did then with toys.

“We’d always get the family round and everyone would be guessing when the donkey would pop up.”

Rhona McDermott said: “It was probably Lego for me. My two brothers and I would just get a big tub of Lego and make something with it – I tended to be pretty boring and just build houses at first but I did progress to spaceships.”

Scott Pollock said: “I loved Action Man when I was growing up. I got a few of them for Christmas and a big helicopter one year – then I tried to fly it down the stairs one day and it crashed and broke!”

It would be Buckaroo or something like that where everyone’s interactin­g Anthea Devlin

 ??  ?? Dolls Kathleen Thomson
Dolls Kathleen Thomson
 ??  ?? Buckaroo Anthea Devlin
Buckaroo Anthea Devlin
 ??  ?? Lego Rhona McDermott
Lego Rhona McDermott
 ??  ?? Action Man Scott Pollock
Action Man Scott Pollock

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