Rutherglen Reformer

Father hits out at school chaos

School catchment changes leave family in limbo

- Edel Kenealy

A Rutherglen man has been charged with causing mayhem on the roads by failing to stop for police and forcing fellow motorists to take evasive action.

Graham McLauchlin, 25, of Alloway Crescent, was firstly accused of driving, what is believed to be a Volkswagen Golf, at excessive speeds along streets including Dalmarnock Road on August 16, 2015.

There, he is said to have swerved about the roadway and attempted to overtake when it was not safe to do so, and drive excessivel­y close to another vehicle.

He is then claimed to have swerved across the junction with Farmeloan Road, over the path of other vehicles, causing them to take evasive action to avoid a collision.

On Western Road, the accused is understood to have mounted the kerb and swerved towards two pedestrian­s within the Nisa Stores car park.

McLauchlin is also alleged to have forced other cars to get out of his way on Burnhill Road by swerving about the roadway before colliding with a stationary vehicle.

He was charged with failing to stop and give his name and address and reporting the accident at a police station or to a constable within 24 hours of occurrence.

McLauchlin is expected to return to court on December 6 where his trial will continue.

A father who has had the school catchment area for his home changed three times in the past four months says South Lanarkshir­e Council is failing his four-year old son who has additional support needs.

Gordon Drennan, who lives in the Newton Farm estate in Cambuslang, was told four months ago that his son Leon would be attending Hallside Primary School with the new intake of primary ones in August.

The dad of one later received a letter on November 14 to say his Plough Court address was actually within the catchment area for Cairns Primary School.

But that letter also said the catchment area was changing and Leon, who has additional support needs, will be amongst the first children to attend Newton Primary School - scheduled to open in August 2017.

The news was a blow to Colin, not only because the proposed school catchment area has changed so often, but because his son needs to visit his primary school before officially attending in August.

This is because adopted Leon is on the brink of being diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and struggles with change.

However, with the race on to build the Newton school for the August opening, Leon will be unable to familiaris­e himself with the building and staff.

“Because of the needs he has, we are meant to be doing a gradual transition to primary school,” Gordon said. “He has to be prepared for it.

“The child psychologi­st was going to work with the school to start taking him before the break to make sure the teachers are aware of the help and support he will need and get him used to the new environmen­t.

“Initially we didn’t have a catchment area, so we had to call the council. I did that a few months ago to find out what school we were going to. They said most people go to Cairns Primary, but you are Hallside.”

Gordon had already informed Leon’s child psychologi­st and nursery of his proposed school and had a meeting to discuss his transition before the council changed the catchment area to Cairns and then Newton.

And whilst Gordon is happy to drive Leon to Cairns throughout his primary school education to ensure he can have a smooth transition, the council refuses to guarantee him a place.

They say children from the Newton estate who are currently attending Cairns and their siblings will be given priority when reviewing placing requests.

Gordon added: “I know we are an unusual case but we need to know what’s happening, I need to prepare my wee boy.

“We can do a transition to Cairns after Christmas, but we won’t know then if he’s going to Cairns, that’s not guaranteed. If we have to go to the new school, what’s the point in the transition?

“I’m worried about the disruption for him, and I don’t want him branded a disruptive child. He could attack a teacher because they don’t know how to handle him. They will be quick enough to contact me when it all goes wrong.”

He added: “It’s the council that are messing around. I don’t see why he should suffer because they can’t decide what they are doing.”

Des Dickson, head of education, said: “Although the council does not comment on the individual circumstan­ces of children and families, I would wish to reassure parents that an assessment process is in place to ensure children with additional support needs are able to attend the most appropriat­e school.

“To support parents and families an enhanced transition for children can be arranged to help them become familiar with their new school environmen­t, routines and staff.

“We apologise if there has been any confusion on this matter.”

 ??  ?? School Little Leon will need additional support when he moves into P1
School Little Leon will need additional support when he moves into P1

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