Rutherglen Reformer

Let’s nail this creep

Heating engineer put CCTV of £2k tools theft on Facebook in a bid to end spate of break-ins

- Murray Spooner

CCTV footage that captured a brazen thief stealing £ 2000 worth of tools from a truck in Rutherglen has been viewed thousands of times on social media.

And residents on Waverley Drive and surroundin­g streets have now spoken of their concern following the incident.

The footage was posted on Facebook, receiving more than 177,000 views and being shared over 4100 times. According to the victim, it is the third time it has happened to him in under a year.

Dressed in a light hooded top, dark jeans and light shoes, the thief

approaches the heating engineer’s vehicle.

He tries to break into the pick-up truck from different sides, before moving his car and returning to it.

The thief then breaks into the back of the vehicle and steals two nail guns worth £580 and £497, another tool worth £400 and a bag full of items understood to collate to £500 in total.

He is then seen driving off in a light coloured Ford C-Max.

The 40-year-old who had his tools stolen wished not to be named, but wanted to highlight the spate of breakins regularly happening in Rutherglen.

“We only moved to Rutherglen around last March and that’s the third time my truck has been broken into.

“I reported it to the police the first time but the second time, because nothing was ever done about it, I didn’t because I thought, what’s the point?

“They just expected me to carry on with my life, so I left a message with the constable and he told me he’d look into it.

“So I took it into my own hands and posted it on social media. The response I have got from it has been huge. It (the break-ins) seems to be a bit of an epidemic.

“I was brought up on the south side of Glasgow and there was a large police presence.

“But in Rutherglen there is hardly any. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a police officer walk down our street.

“We all pay a lot of money to stay there. It seems the people who work the hardest are getting ripped off.”

Another resident of Waverley Drive was worried the amount of break- ins of vehicle and homes was become all too common in the town.

“It is a concern,” she said. “We’ve just to be more alert. The neighbours are very good, if somebody sees something they would let you know.

“I’m getting a security light now after what happened.”

Another resident added: “It is worrying but we have a dog who protects the house so that’s always good.”

Inspector Jim Gillespie, of Rutherglen Police Office said: “Enquiries are on-going following the break in to a van in Waverley Drive, Rutherglen in the early hours of Monday, January 23, 2017.

“As part of our enquiries both private and public space CCTV are being examined in an attempt to identify the person responsibl­e.

“Local officers will be paying extra attention to the area, both in uniform and plain clothes patrols, but any member of the public with informatio­n is asked to contact the police on the 101 number.”

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The thief was seen driving off in a light coloured Ford C-Max. Below is a closer look at the suspect
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