Rutherglen Reformer

Mixed reaction over Trump’s state visit

New American president has everyone talking

- Edel Kenealy

As thousands of people across Scotland continue to protest against Donald Trump’s planned state visit to Great Britain, the Reformer asked the people of Burnside their views on the controvers­ial character.

It seems the president of the United States has split opinion in the Burgh after he banned people from seven Muslim majority countries from travelling to the US.

Whilst the majority of people asked said Prime Minister Theresa May should revoke her invitation, some said Trump should be welcomed.

Brian Ferguson said he was not opposed to the visit, stating Trump’s actions were not too far removed from the wishes of the British people.

He said: “He’s keeping immigrants out of the country. It’s the same as what Britain is doing with Brexit. The motivation behind these two things is the same.”

Mr Willis agreed, adding: “He hasn’t done any harm in Britain or Scotland. We are known for golfing and he has spent money here, he’s more than welcome for me.

But Edna Gillespeie, from Burnside, said: “I think it’s too soon. We should wait and see what he has done in one year or two years.

“He’s a touchy guy, we would need to tip toe around him because he has a big mouth and they get people into trouble.”

Phil O’Hara also said the invitation should be revoked. “He’s too controvers­ial,” he said.

He’s keeping immigrants out of the country. It’s the same as what Britain is doing with Brexit

Brian Ferguson

 ??  ?? Revoked Phil O’Hara
Revoked Phil O’Hara
 ??  ?? Too soon Edna Gillespie
Too soon Edna Gillespie
 ??  ?? No harm Mr Willis
No harm Mr Willis
 ??  ?? Supports visit Brian Ferguson
Supports visit Brian Ferguson

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