Rutherglen Reformer


Driver who crashed into bus stop after taking heart attack is saved

- Douglas Dickie

A van driver ploughed into a bus stop in Cambuslang after suffering a heart attack at the wheel.

Hero neighbours saved the 73-year-old man’s life by giving him CPR as they waited on an ambulance.

The incident happened around 1.50pm last Wednesday on Cambuslang Road, near the junction with Bogleshole Road.

A police response vehicle was passing the scene and an ambulance was called, while the road also had to be shut.

The man, who is from Rutherglen, was treated at the scene and was taken to Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. His condition is no longer thought to be life-threatenin­g.

Cassie Quinn and Davie Clark were among those who found the driver slumped over the wheel yards from a block of flats.

Cassie, 59, said: “I heard an almighty bang. I looked out and saw the van. I ran out and saw that the driver was obviously in trouble.

“I ran back inside to get a hammer and someone used it to break the glass to drag the driver out.

“He was laid on the pavement while they tried to revive him.

“A woman stopped her car. She said she was a nurse. She started giving him CPR, then an ambulance arrived.

“He looked in a bad way. The nurse probably saved his life.”

Former supermarke­t worker Davie, 46, said: “I saw Cassie with the hammer and just smashed the window. The door was jammed.

“Me and another guy managed to drag him out. It was clear that he had taken some kind of turn at the wheel. I hope he is going to be OK.

“It was a hell of a bang, because I heard it when I was standing in the kitchen.”

Elaine Richards lives in the first floor flat and saw Cassie and Davie run to help.

She said: “I heard a bang. I came out to the balcony and saw the man, he was leaning forward but the seatbelt was holding him.

“Two people raced to open the door and they couldn’t so they got a hammer. They smashed the passenger window and they dragged him out and two ladies performed CPR. I’m not sure where they came from.

“By the time I left to collect my son at 2.30pm his leg was moving, so I could see that he had come around.

“They put him on a stretcher and wheeled him in, his leg was moving and he had a drip in his arm.

“I was so worried about him.”

 ??  ?? Crash Davie Clark and Cassie Quinn at the damaged bus stop
Crash Davie Clark and Cassie Quinn at the damaged bus stop

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