Rutherglen Reformer

Carer fear

Charity supports dementia carers

- Jonathan Geddes

A charity that provides help for carers and people with dementia could be forced to shut unless extra volunteers or sponsorshi­p are found.

Rutherglen Community Carers have been on the go since 1993, but staff and volunteers face an uncertain future.

A charity that provides help for carers and people with dementia could shut down unless extra volunteers or sponsorshi­p is found.

Rutherglen Community Carers has been on the go since 1993, and employs trained staff to provide home care respite to families throughout the area.

However, it needs extra volunteers to help with other duties, and is seeking extra funds to keep going.

The charity recently had a donation from Rutherglen Co-op, but financial pressures are catching up with the group.

Evelyn Edie is one of the voluntary management committee that runs the organisati­on.

She said: “We are needing anything from bank staff volunteeri­ng their services for admin, to getting sponsorshi­p for the mini bus that we use.

“What has happened is that we implemente­d the living wage and it’s cost us an extra sum of money. We have had to put the staff through mandatory training as well, and that has cost extra money, and that has all been adding up.

“We’re really grateful to the likes of the Co-op for their donations, because they make such a difference, and we’re currently applying to the likes of Santander and the Big Lottery Fund for more help.

“It’s things like money for the mini bus that we will need, and more volunteers to help out.”

Evelyn’s husband has vascular dementia, and she knows the impact the organisati­on can have.

She said: “I would be lost without them. They run an early diagnosis dementia group and they do things like maybe having a trip to the library, or going to places like the Kelpies or Paisley Abbey.

“The girls are great and they meet the needs of the people. I don’t know where I would be without the help they give.”

The organisati­on is funded by council grants, sponsorshi­p and donations.

The aim is to provide care, understand­ing and support to those who care for relatives or friends in the community who have dementia or mental ill health.

The services available are homebased respite, carers support, early diagnosis dementia group, advice and informatio­n, and a library.

 ??  ?? ConcernsMe­mbers of Rutherglen Community Carers have expressed their concerns to Clare Haughey MSP
ConcernsMe­mbers of Rutherglen Community Carers have expressed their concerns to Clare Haughey MSP

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