Rutherglen Reformer

Call to help kids tackle mental health problems


Young people in Scotland are facing a mental health crisis and should be able to access the right help when and where they need it.

Half of mental health problems in adulthood begin before the age of 14, and three-quarters by the age of 24.

But, every day, 19 young people don’t get the support they need.

Early interventi­on is crucial says SAMH – Scottish Associatio­n of Mental Health - who stress it is possible to recover or learn to manage a mental health problem.

Their new campaign, Going To Be, features children dreaming about their future, and acknowledg­ing that this may include a mental health problem.

Now Scotland’s national mental health charity wants to highlight the problem and encourage young people and their families to speak out about mental health.

Mental health among young

call every 30minutes to ChildLine is from a young person experienci­ng suicidal thoughts.

number of young people calling ChildLine for help about eating disorders has increased by 110 per cent since 2011.

Nearly one in five 16 to 24-year-olds have reported to self-harm.

The proportion of 15 and 16-year-olds reporting that they frequently feel anxious or depressed has doubled in the last 30 years. people includes problems from eating disorders to anxiety, selfharm or depression. By the time they’re 16, three children in every classroom will have experience­d some kind of mental health problem.

Growing up can present many pressures – exam stress, bereavemen­t, bullying, body image and first relationsh­ips.

And in some cases, young people just need someone to chat things through with and discuss their worries. The pressures of growing up mean many children go through a difficult time and it’s natural to feel sad or worried from time to time.

This doesn’t mean they have a mental health problem. But when it starts to impact everyday life, it could mean a child needs some help. Last year, nearly 7000 young people were turned away from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and we don’t know why, what happened to them and what other support was offered, if any.

But GPs, teachers and parents need more options when presented with a young person who may be mentally unwell.

Join the SAMH Going To Be campaign and speak out about mental health to support young people achieve the future they deserve. The SAMH website has lots of informatio­n and advice for young people and parents at If you need urgent help call ChildLine free on 0800 1111 or the NSPCC Adult Helpline on 0808 800 5000.

By the time they’re 16, three children in every classroom will have experience­d a mental health problem

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