Rutherglen Reformer

Thank you for your votes


Dear Editor

We would to like to express our thanks to the voters of Cambuslang East for electing both of us as two of your three councillor­s.

It is a great privilege to be given the opportunit­y to serve and represent everyone in Cambuslang East.

We would like to thank our colleague Christine Deanie for her tireless work for the ward as SNP councillor for the last five years and wish her well in her retirement.

We would also like to convey our congratula­tions to Councillor Walter Brogan on his re-election and, whilst we acknowledg­e that there are party policy difference­s, we look forward to working with him over the next five years for the betterment of the ward. Councillor­s Alistair Fulton and Katy Loudon Cambuslang East ward

Iwillmakey­our voiceheard I am thrilled to have been elected to serve the people of Rutherglen Central and North as their SNP councillor.

I would like to take this opportunit­y to thank everyone who voted for me. I was delighted to top the poll. I will work very hard for this community and look forward to starting to implement our ambitious manifesto which will improve the lives of all of the people of South Lanarkshir­e.

I would also like to thank Gordon Clark for all his hard work over the past 10 years and for his support throughout the campaign.

I am sure Gordon will continue to be an integral part of both our community and the local SNP family. Councillor Janine Calikes Councillor for Rutherglen Central and North ward

Thank you for support fromaLibDe­m My name is Liz Keenan and I was the candidate standing for the Liberal Democrats for Rutherglen Central and North.

Although I did not have enough votes to become a councillor, I would like to thank the people that did vote for me. Liz Keenan Liberal Democrat candidate for Rutherglen Central and North

Thankyouto­wonderful electionte­am I would like to take this opportunit­y to thank my wonderful workers and my fantastic election team who worked their hearts out for me in Cambuslang West.

I have been a member of the SNP for 48 years and I have contested many local elections.

In 2007 I was elected as the last councillor for Cambuslang West and in 2012 I was first in the poll and that is something I am very proud of.

Since then I have worked tirelessly for my constituen­ts.

John Bradley is a very able man and he will be a great asset to South Lanarkshir­e Council. He has my full support and I also add my congratula­tions to the other candidates. Clare McColl SNP candidate for Cambuslang West

Onwards and upwards toafreshst­art Just a wee note to say thank you to all who gave me their support during my 10 years in office.

From the council staff working hard in often difficult circumstan­ces to provide our vital services to local members of residents and community groups and Rutherglen Community Council.

And to the growing number of local SNP members and voters for their backing during my many campaigns. My gratitude to each and every one of you.

Finally, my thanks to the Reformer for affording me the space to air my opinions during my time as a local councillor.

It does seem a bit strange losing out at a time when your party doubles its vote but every candidate stands for election knowing that the single transferab­le vote system can produce variations leading to unexpected results.

Rutherglen North and Central ward now has three new councillor­s and I will watch with interest as to how they perform.

Anyway, onwards and upwards and whatever the future holds for myself, for Rutherglen and for Scotland please, don’t let it be a government led by Theresa May! Gordon Clark SNP candidate for Rutherglen Central and North

Ferrierwil­lbebest tostandupf­orarea James Kelly, newly-appointed director for Scottish Labour’s General Election campaign, spent Monday afternoon grinning beside a blackboard on Rutherglen Main Street, on which the words “Who can beat the SNP in Rutherglen and Hamilton West?” were scrawled.

Unbelievab­ly, this question wasn’t rhetorical, and he was actually asking passers-by (*cough* Labour activists) to ‘vote’.

Perhaps he genuinely does not know the answer to the question, given that his party lost a council seat to the Tories in that very ward just a few days prior in an actual vote.

Perhaps losing two council seats to the SNP in Rutherglen and Cambuslang has left him confused.

Perhaps even, his discombobu­lation stems from being comprehens­ively defeated by the SNP’s Clare Haughey almost a year ago to the day.

Whatever it is, he dare not ask questions he already knows the answers to. Like ‘Who will do the best job of opposing the Tories?’, or ‘Who has spoken more in two years at Westminste­r than both of her Labour predecesso­rs combined in the previous decade?”.

As much as Mr Kelly dislikes it, the answer to these questions is the SNP, and Margaret Ferrier. Derec Thompson Hamilton Road Cambuslang

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