Rutherglen Reformer

Thought for the Week


This past week we have seen on our television­s news reports and pictures of the devastatio­n wrought by Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean and Florida.

People have lost everything: their homes and all they possess.

Starting all over again will no doubt be a daunting task. Some, however, said that, although they had lost everything, they were thankful to God that they and their loved ones escaped the maelstrom with their lives.

In the Bible there is a story of a man called Job. He was a God fearing, blameless and upright man. He had seven sons and three daughters, and owned many sheep, camels, oxen and donkeys. He also had many servants.

In one single day, all his animals were stolen or killed by lightning and all his sons and daughters died as the house in which they were enjoying a meal together was struck by a tornado and collapsed. He lost everything. When Job heard the news of these devastatin­g events, he tore his robe and shaved his head and fell to the ground in worship saying, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

Devastatin­g events like Hurricane Irma are not signs of God’s displeasur­e or an indication that those who experience these events are worse than others.

Whatever happens in life, God is still there, he always cares for us and always loves us. He may not remove the difficulti­es that we face in life. However, he will bless us when we are in need and promises that if we remain faithful, we can when the time comes be confident he will take us to his heavenly home and eternal life. Deacon Bill McMillan St Columbkill­e’s

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