Rutherglen Reformer

Missing moggie crossed country

But Hermione safe at home after adventure

- Edel Kenealy

A Cambuslang family enjoyed a Christmas miracle when their missing kitten was found - in Edinburgh.

Nine-month-old rescue kitten Hermione had not been out of the house when she embarked on her 50-mile adventure to Scotland’s capital in December.

The Smith family, from McIntosh Court, were devastated when the bundle of fur left home when mum Julie was putting the bins out.

Hermione had been adopted by Julie and her four children - Eva, 10, Olivia, 8, Emilia, 6, and Gabriella, 2 - following the death of their father Robert.

Julie said: “They lost their dad suddenly last February and the cat was bought a few months after that.

“They were devastated when she went missing, as was I.

“We started a campaign to find her. “We had posters everywhere. “We looked all over in parks, gardens, sheds and we contacted the local veterinary surgeries.

“We had been doing that for eight days when I got a call from a vets in Edinburgh. Apparently she had gone into a man’s garden in Edinburgh. We have no idea how she got there.

“He and his family had been doing their own campaign to find the owner.

“They thought ‘let’s see if she is chipped’ and luckily she was and that’s how we got her back.”

Julie’s brother-in-law Danny Quinn collected Hermione from the animal-loving Edinburgh man who, Julie said, took good care of their beloved pet.

Julie and her four girls were reunited with the newest addition to the family before Christmas.

“It was a Christmas miracle,” Julie said.

“She must have jumped into a delivery van. There’s loads of deliveries over Christmas.

“Her paws are in perfect condition so I don’t think she walked far.

“We were just in total shock that she was in Edinburgh. I didn’t believe it was her until we got her back.

“The four girls love her. They were delighted to have her home.”

Hermione was adopted from the Cats Associatio­n, who chip and neuter all the animals they rehome, something Julie says is a great benefit to adopting

 ??  ?? In safe hands Olivia keeps a tight grip on Hermione
In safe hands Olivia keeps a tight grip on Hermione
 ??  ?? Delighted Hermione was home for Christmas
Delighted Hermione was home for Christmas

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