Rutherglen Reformer

Kacey’s heart of pure gold

Thanks for papa’s care

- Edel Kenealy

A thoughtful Rutherglen girl has thanked a charity for taking such good care of her papa with a fantastic cash donation.

Nine-year-old Kacey Clements handed over £227 to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice which is supporting her grandfathe­r Robert Campbell who has cancer.

The Calderwood Primary School pupil raised the cash by selling cakes at her school’s Christmas fayre.

Her mum Vicki Campbell said she was incredibly proud of her.

“She came up with the idea herself,” Vicki said. “My dad has throat cancer and is receiving palliative care and spent a few days in the hospice. Kacey decided she wanted to do it in recognitio­n of the care her papa received.

“She came up with a list of things to sell and we made them together as a family. Hosting her own stall at the school fayre, Kacey’s sales patter saw the youngster take in over £200 in just a few hours.

And just last week the youngster handed over a cheque to the hospice in Glasgow.

Vicki added: “She made me burst with pride. It meant so much to us, especially as my dad has spent time there and my partner’s uncle died in the hospice the day Kacey was born.

“It was very emotional when we saw the stall all set up.

“My dad was the only one in the family that didn’t make it because he wasn’t well enough.

“He is not an emotional man, but he said he was so proud, he said she was making a big impact.

“To do it all off her own back is what makes us all so proud.”

Robert spent several days in the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice but was able to return home with continual palliative care.

 ??  ?? Fundraiser Kacey handed over the cheque to the hospice’s Caroline Watson
Fundraiser Kacey handed over the cheque to the hospice’s Caroline Watson

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