Rutherglen Reformer

Just two weeks into new year and resolution­s go

Intentions are good but aims take back seat

- Edel Kenealy

It is only January 17... but a host of Ruglonians have admitted to giving up on their new year’s resolution­s.

The Reformer took to the streets of Burnside to ask locals if they set goals for 2018 and if they were managing to maintain them.

By far, the most popular resolution was to eat less and move more, with a handful of people pledging to give up alcohol for 30 days during Dry January.

Colin Black says he sets the same goal every year to live a healthier lifestyle.

“It’s always to be healthy,” he said, “but it’s not working out so far. “It’s the same every year.” Others however, said they no longer set resolution­s as experience has proved they are too hard to stick to. Ian Sandler said: “I have none. “Every year people say the same thing, they try to be fitter and do more exercise.”

Those sentiments were echoed by Frank McShane, who added: “I didn’t set any resolution­s because you never maintain them. It’s a useless exercise.”

Margaret Kier joked that, with a few new years under her belt, she had already given up all of her bad habits.

She added: “I must admit that years ago I would have always set a resolution, but not this year.

“I have given up all my bad habits. I have given up smoking and I’m not giving up my glass of wine.”

It’s always to be healthy, but it’s not working out so far. It’s the same every year Colin Black

 ??  ?? Ian Sandler No resolution­s made for 2018 as they are too difficult to stick to the whole time
Ian Sandler No resolution­s made for 2018 as they are too difficult to stick to the whole time
 ??  ?? Margaret Kier Gave up smoking but will not give up her occasional glass of wine
Margaret Kier Gave up smoking but will not give up her occasional glass of wine
 ??  ?? Colin Black Tries hard every year to be healthy
Colin Black Tries hard every year to be healthy
 ??  ?? Frank McShane Did not make resolution­s
Frank McShane Did not make resolution­s

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