Rutherglen Reformer

Pupils gain confidence through helping others

Students happy to boost youngsters’ learning

- Douglas Dickie

Pupils at Cathkin High have taken part in an innovative initiative that lets them help younger students.

A number of fifth and sixth year pupils signed up to be modern language ambassador­s.

Craig Walter, Kayla Johnstone, Kirsty Robertson, Lyndsay McKechnie, Caitlin Barrie, Eilidh Thomson and Lewise Hart-Bain have been assisting first year classes with their studies.

They have also helped the teachers deliver French and Spanish lessons in the five associated primary schools and helped to ‘fly the flag’ during the Modern Languages Awareness week held in the school.

S5 pupil Kayla reckons the experience has helped her as well as the younger students.

She said: “I like helping out in the Spanish classes, as it has helped my confidence.

“It has also given me experience in working with younger pupils and kept me busy during my free periods, instead of wasting time.”

Craig Walker, also in S5, said it was the perfect training as he looks to go into a career in teaching.

“I like helping the pupils and it will help me when I become a teacher,” he said.

S6 pupil Caitlin Barrie, added: “I studied my Spanish and French Highers last year and have applied to study languages at university. This has given me the chance to see how languages are taught from a teacher’s perspectiv­e and also see how the pupils learn.”

Mrs Anderson, the principal teacher of modern languages, was proud of the pupils, who were all awarded badges for their help.

She said: “The senior pupils are doing a fabulous job in not only helping to promote languages, but also giving younger pupils real help with their learning.”

 ??  ?? Time to talk The pupils who helped others with the language classes
Time to talk The pupils who helped others with the language classes

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