Rutherglen Reformer

Parliament praise for inspiratio­nal Rev

- Douglas Dickie

Rev Aquila Singh has already lived through a quite incredible past 12 months, full of highs and lows.

In January last year she became Scotland’s first female Asian minister when she arrived at Fernhill and Cathkin Church.

And last month she was named woman of the year at the 12th Scottish Asian and Business Awards in Glasgow, an accolade that was decided by the public.

Now Rev Singh has been praised in the Scottish Parliament.

Rutherglen MSP Clare Haughey has lodged a motion with the parliament to recognise her achievemen­ts over the past 12 months.

Ms Singh who was born in Pakistan and moved to Glasgow when she was two, said she was “gobsmacked” to have been recognised in the Scottish Parliament.

And she revealed that she had experience­d some sadness towards the end of the year when her father died.

She added: “I am honoured and flattered that an MSP would lodge a motion about me.

“I am chuffed to bits but it is also wonderful recognitio­n for the church and the very many people who work there and volunteer.

“My dad recently passed away and he would have been chuffed about this recognitio­n.

“It is a lovely tonic to start the new year with.”

Clare Haughey said she was “delighted” to lodge a motion at Holyrood to recognise the Church of Scotland’s first Asian woman minister.

She added: “Ms Singh is an inspiratio­nal woman and she is thoroughly deserving of her achievemen­t. Since coming to Rutherglen last year, she has become one of the real focal points of the community.

“It comes as no surprise that her accolade was won due to votes from the public. As the Church of Scotland’s first female Asian minister, Ms Singh truly personifie­s Scotland as a diverse and inclusive nation, and her contributi­on to Fernhill and Cathkin Parish Church is rightly being recognised.” The motion has been signed by SNP, Labour and Conservati­ve MSPs and wishes Ms Singh and her congregati­on “all the best for the future”.

I am very honoured and flattered that an MSP would lodge a motion about me

 ??  ?? Delight 2017 was a memorable year for Rev Aquila Singh from Fernhill and Cathkin Church
Delight 2017 was a memorable year for Rev Aquila Singh from Fernhill and Cathkin Church

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