Rutherglen Reformer

Readers outraged at Big Coffee Cup closure plans


Reformer readers have backed redundancy threatened staff at the Big Coffee Cup.

Last week we told how shopping centre bosses had told staff at the popular cafe, which has been for a decade, they were looking to bring in something more contempora­ry.

Rumours continue over what will be moving into the Coffee Cup’s position, although the Reformer understand­s staff have been told it is not Costa Coffee, as has been rumoured online.

Instead a Glasgow-based company is believed to be taking over.

Staff at the Coffee Cup have set up a petition for customers to show their support, and our social media had over 100 comments backing them after the news broke.

Vickie Kavanagh wrote: “I can’t believe this is happening. This cafe is great for my little one and the staff are amazing.”

Alan McDougall added:“Big Coffee Cup serves the arcade’s contempora­ry customers well who return time and time again. The Arcade changed its name to sound more upmarket while shops continued to close.

“A more‘contempora­ry’cafe will not draw in more customers but possibly drive customers away.”

Some readers expressed doubts a more modern approach would work. Bee Hntr added: “Raging about this... regularly see elderly people and wee families eating well at a reasonable price... can’t see them sitting in a Costas/ Pret/ Starbucks ... even if they can be attracted to come!”

Joanne Gallacher said:“Can’t see how changing it to something more upmarket will help anyone.

“Rutherglen is never going to be spectacula­r, it’s just a wee local arcade handy for the local people.

“This will not bring in more customers at all.

“It will, in fact, do the complete opposite. Listen to the people!”Al Thonton said:“Boycotting the new place is an idea. I like the place as it is.”

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