Rutherglen Reformer

Football coach calls for racism to be shown the red card

Trainer who suffered abuse from parent says more has to be done to stamp out problem

- Murray Spooner

A Cambuslang football coach who was racially abused by a parent has called for more education to kick racism out of the game completely.

Jonas Diatta, 50, was the victim of vile language used by a father who accused him of bullying his son during a team trip to Holland.

Ricky McManus was convicted and fined £1500 after fellow parents of boys, at Celtic Boys Club, came forward to admit that they had heard racist abuse directed at Jonas and a 14-year-old boy.

And now the Newton dad hopes that the case will protect future generation­s of footballer­s and remind parents that racism should have no place in any sport.

He told the Reformer: “It pained me to the core so I felt a lot of hurt. There was some anger in there and disgust.

“This was a completely different type of emotion that I have never felt before and it’s not very nice. You ask why this person feels they are better than you?

“Why do they feel they have to have this sense of superiorit­y over you?

“This is grassroots football and it’s extremely important that parents and adults understand that there is a certain type of behaviour that should be adopted around your children.

“This is kids football and some parents need to be taking some responsibi­lity for their actions.”

Jonas grew up as a talented footballer in the dusty streets of Senegal before focussing on his studies to go to university and take up a role as a language assistant in Scotland. The father- of- two then trained to become an IT engineer and moved to Cambuslang 12 years ago.

Once settled, he started to go back to his sporting routes and has since coached at Celtic Boys Club, who are unconnecte­d to Celtic FC, for six years.

He is in regular contact with parents to let them know how their child is doing at the club.

And he hopes that more education from large organisati­ons such as FIFA can help educate all involved in football about the negative impact racism has on the game.

He said: “For me, when it comes to football, the big organisati­ons need to really stamp out racism.

“They are basically slowly getting to that stage but the whole process itself, if you ask people of colour if, for example, FIFA are doing enough, they will tell you it’s not enough.

“Unless the big organisati­ons start opening their doors for these guys [who have experience­d racial abuse] to really advise what steps should be taken, then this is going to go on unfortunat­ely for a little bit longer.

“It is extremely disappoint­ing and it’s sad that we are still dragging our feet to move away from this.”

Jonas praised the “courageous” parents whose evidence helped convict McManus which was the first case of racial abuse he had experience­d.

He added: “As far as my team is concerned, I’m very confident this will not happen again because of the parents basically standing up and addressing it and saying, ‘this is not right’. I did not ask them to support me. They literally just got up, looked at it, having lived with it and said ‘this needs to stop’.”

This is grassroots football and it’s extremely important parents and adults understand there is a certain type of behaviour that should be adopted around your children

 ??  ?? Pained Coach Jonas Diatta was cut to the core after suffering verbal abuse from a parent and says more must be done to stamp out racism in football
Pained Coach Jonas Diatta was cut to the core after suffering verbal abuse from a parent and says more must be done to stamp out racism in football

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