Rutherglen Reformer

Make like Markle... less glitter ’n’ sparkle


The big hats may be packed away and the bouquet starting to wilt, but it appears that the Meghan Markle effect is still working its magic.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the reaction of a lot of young girls to her look on her big day as they seem to have been be swayed by the natural look she plumped for when it came to her makeup.

The current trend among the younger generation is uber strong make up, which can look ageing and harsh on younger skins.

But it seems the young ones are starting to re-think the bold look.

Every look eventually changes and evolves so maybe it’s time for a new phase.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against being on trend with a strong look.

But it can look very overdone – heavy base, contour, strobing, liner, lashes, bold lips and blush... argh ... cosmetics overkill!

The result can be a face that is heavily covered in makeup and looks like a carbon copy of the girl beside you.

So what about mixing it up? Keeping the eyes strong but softening the base?

Or if you use a matt base, try going dewy. Use less powder and under eye concealer.

Here are a few new products I have been using recently that are so effective, but far more natural on the skin. I love No.22 which is a lovely peach. Dab a little on the apples of your cheeks and blend with your finger and it leaves a fresh glow of subtle colour, perfect for summer. Try it and you’ll see. It’s very flattering on all eye colours A cream bronzer that you brush on. Always a sell out because of the beautiful natural glow it leaves.

Mixed with a tinted moisturise­r or lightweigh­t foundation, it gives a radiant, healthy glow to your skin. Amazing in the summer and can also be used across the décolletag­e area.

 ??  ?? Fab Lee Stafford products
Fab Lee Stafford products

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