Rutherglen Reformer

Charity is not final frontier for SPACE

- Jonathan Geddes

The organiser of a Cambuslang charity which help underprivi­leged youngsters has admitted she’s stunned at how the group has grown.

Fiona White set up SPACE (Supporting Parents And Children Everywhere) a year ago, and will mark the occasion at St Bride’s Parish Church this Sunday with a fun day.

In the past 12 months the group has collected hundreds of clothes, toys and other accessorie­s that are then distribute­d to families across Glasgow that need help, including special collection­s for Christmas and Easter,

Now Fiona is taking steps to confirm the group as a charity, while looking to the future.

She said: “It has really grown arms and legs since it started.

“It was originally just a wee clothes bank to help struggling families, and now it’s cots, bedding and all sorts of things.

“I’ve now formalised it into an actual charity and we’ve recently done the constituti­on, so that’s the next step.

“It’s a great feeling in my heart to be doing this, and it’s all about helping folk and paying it back. When I was struggling people at St Bride’s helped me and now I want to do the same.

“I know what it feels like when you are struggling and you get some help - it really does make a difference.”

Fiona, who works as a teaching assistant at a school in the East End of Glasgow, admits that it can be emotional to see families, and particular­ly children, who are struggling.

She added: “Seeing families struggle and how it doesn’t just troubled parents but the kids too is so affecting.

“The amount of kids who have issues to face is unbelievab­le - it has such a effect on them and they shouldn’t be dealing with grown up worries at their age.”

Fiona has been backed by friends and family with SPACE.

“There’s people that help by delivering things and my wee board are my husband Patrick, Karen Donnelly, Catherine McInnes and Sharon Gourlay.

“Father Morton is amazing too - he has been such a support, giving us the use of the hall and saying how good it could be.

“The first donation came from May Jackson at the church, who is no longer with us sadly, and that helped us get up and running.”

Now Fiona will celebrate the group’s first birthday on Sunday at Bride’s.

She said: “It’s a way to say thanks to everyone and have fun.

“There’ll be stalls, make- up, home baking, a toy stand, raffles, tombola, a bouncy castle and face painting, plus a BBQ that my husband is doing and we’ll have singers performing too.”

The event will run from 1.30pm to 4pm.

I know what it feels like when you are struggling and you get some help”

 ??  ?? Helping out Fiona White set up SPACE a year ago, and has seen the group expand further than she expected
Helping out Fiona White set up SPACE a year ago, and has seen the group expand further than she expected

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