Rutherglen Reformer

Cash blow after safety concern at big event


A Rutherglen boxing club has been dealt a financial blow after the shock postponeme­nt of a top English tournament.

Organisers of the Hull Box Cup 2018 cancelled the event due to a“potential threat to the public safety”.

Durie’s ABC’s Shahzman Parnez, Euan Caldwell and Brandon Grant were among more than 1000 boxers from around the world who were set to touchdown in East Yorkshire last weekend.

Club coach Archie Durie was gutted for his fighters, in particular 13-year-old Parnez, who is preparing to represent Scotland at the schoolboy Three Nations GB competitio­n in Wales next month.

He said:“You have no idea how much of a disappoint­ment this is for us.

“We lost £200 because we couldn’t get a refund on rail tickets but we did get money back from the hotel.

“Everyone was shocked when they cancelled it and all the boys were ready and knew who they were fighting.

“It’s disappoint­ing now because that’s the season winding down and we wanted to end it well.”

In a letter sent to clubs, the Hull Box Team said: “Due to the informatio­n that was shared with the venue by the police the venue were not willing to the take risk.

“We tried all day to reason with the venue and assure them that we had appropriat­e security and police presence throughout the duration of the weekend, however the mention of potential violence and weapons was too much risk for all involved.”

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