Rutherglen Reformer

Guests encourage school’s health kick

- Jonathan Geddes

Primary school pupils in Rutherglen had plenty of punch as they learned about healthy living.

Cathkin Primary youngsters were joined by boxer Charlie Flynn, who starred at the Commonweal­th Games in Glasgow in 2014, as they held a fitness circuit in the school gym as part of their health week.

Another event at the school saw Asda Toryglen’s Elizabeth Arbuckle stop by, to help the youngsters make some healthy smoothies.

Martin Frame, the principal teacher at Cathkin, said: “We had a sponsored fitness circuit in the gym hall doing star jumps, press ups, bench steps and sit ups. The children raised £1342 which was a fantastic amount.

“The event was supported by Sports for Champions UK who support athletes with their training and promotions.

“All the school participat­ed and all the children were training like Charlie Flynn.

“Dylan Blackwood in P7 got to put on the boxing gloves to have a practice round with Charlie Flynn and Thomas Cartledge in P3 also got the chance to have a punch with Charlie.

“Charlie also led a whole school assembly promoting sportsmans­hip and perseveran­ce.

“He highlighte­d the importance of never giving up and always trying your very best.”

The smoothies were also a big hit.

Martin added: “The P7 children took the responsibi­lity to plan and make smoothies for the rest of the school to sample.

“Liz Arbuckle from Asda helped by coming along to the event and Asda in Toryglen supplied all the ingredient­s.

“The children made the smoothies with Liz and then each class in the whole school came to sample them.

Hannah Mulholland in P7 said: “It was great to make the smoothies and then share this with everyone – they were tasty!”

“I would like to say a huge thank you to Liz and also the class teacher Mrs White for helping make this such a success.”

 ??  ?? Selfie Elizabeth got the youngsters to smile
Selfie Elizabeth got the youngsters to smile
 ??  ?? Mix it up Pupils got into the spirit of things
Mix it up Pupils got into the spirit of things
 ??  ?? Exercise The day helped pupils get fit
Exercise The day helped pupils get fit
 ??  ?? Thirsty business smoothies They couldn’t wait to try the
Thirsty business smoothies They couldn’t wait to try the
 ??  ?? Jumping to it gym exercises Cathkin pupils took part in the
Jumping to it gym exercises Cathkin pupils took part in the
 ??  ?? Smooth success smoothies The pupils enjoyed the
Smooth success smoothies The pupils enjoyed the
 ??  ?? It’s a knockout Charlie Flynn with a Cathkin pupil
It’s a knockout Charlie Flynn with a Cathkin pupil

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