Rutherglen Reformer

Thought for the Week


As I write this, Storm Hector is blowing hard and fast across Scotland.

I was looking out of the window earlier and saw some of the trees round about my manse almost doubled over, while the noise is really unsettling my wee dog Fern.

The image that keeps popping into my mind as I look out the window is one of the disciples out on Sea of Galilee with Jesus.

There is a storm and the boat is rocking wildly in the water.

The disciples are terrified the boat is going to capsize and they will all drown.

I recently sailed on the Sea of Galilee and I imagined Jesus sleeping on the boat whilst it was being tossed around, an image of calm as everyone else was in panic.

Storms are something we all experience in our lives.

Sometimes they can be flash storms that come and go.

However, others can be prolonged and we wonder if we will ever get out from under it.

We feel as if we are the only ones in the storm and we think no one else gets it.

It can be hard to shake off that mindset and pull through.

At times like this, we need someone to be there for us, just like Jesus was for the disciples, calming the storm.

We all need an anchor in our lives.

For Christians, it is Jesus, someone we can go to, confide in.

Other times, God sends us someone to be that anchor.

It could be the person you least expected, but somehow they are there for you at the right time in the right place.

At that moment, all we have to do is reach out our hand and let that person pull you off the boat. God bless. Rev Aquila Singh Fernhill & Cathkin Church of Scotland

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