Rutherglen Reformer

The name game


Hidden in the grid is the name of an actor. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.

BOX1: Lebanon gained independen­ce from which country in 1943?

Spain (L) Austria (D) France (O)

BOX2: Emilia Clarke is famous for her role in which hit series?

Breaking Bad (A) Homeland (U) Game of Thrones (B)

BOX3: Director Guy Ritchie was once married to which singer?

Mariah Carey (E) Madonna (I) Celine Dion (P)

BOX4: What is the first element of the periodic table?

Hydrogen (I) Nitrogen (L) Carbon (F)

BOX5: Midnight’s Children is a best-selling book by which author?

Salman Rushdie (N) Sidney Sheldon (Y) Dean Koontz (T)

BOX6: Pilbara is a region in which Australian state?

Western Australia (B) Queensland (R) New South Wales (S)

BOX7: Which of the following was a cubist artist?

Matisse (T) Renoir (A) Picasso (S)

BOX8: When did King John come to the throne?

1199 (T) 1299 (S) 1399 (V)

BOX9: ‘She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene’ is the first line of which Michael Jackson (pictured) hit?

Thriller (L) Beat it (E) Billie Jean (R)

BOX10: On which biome does the fennec fox live?

Tundra (G) Alpine (O) Desert (M)

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