Rutherglen Reformer

Escort threatened to expose client

Woman demanded cash and vowed to show up at home


A Castlemilk escort who threatened to expose a client using her services if he did not pay her £3000, has been given a community order.

Siobhan Wilson, 41, met the man on an adult website where she advertised herself.

For almost two years they saw each other “on an intermitte­nt basis” when she would go with him to social events, stay in hotels and he would pay her for sex.

However, in July 2017 the relationsh­ip turned sour when Wilson made physical threats of violence against the man and threatened to telephone his workplace and attend his home.

Wilson pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to attempting to extort £3,000 from the man in July 2017.

Sheriff Martin Jones QC gave her a community order, with the condition she is supervised for 18 months.

She was also tagged for six months to ensure that she stays at her house between 7pm and 7am.

The court heard how the pair had met through, where Wilson advertised her escorting services, in 2015.

Procurator fiscal depute Chris Farrell explained: “They continued to meet on an intermitte­nt basis, with Wilson often accompanyi­ng the complainer to social events and staying overnight in hotels with him.

“As part of their agreement the complainer would pay Wilson for sexual intercours­e.”

On July 13, 2017 he asked her if she wanted to meet him for dinner at the plush Glasgow hotel.

She did not reply and he tried again to contact her the following day, but she later threatened him that she was going to come to the hotel to “sort him out” and demanded £3,000.

Messages were exchanged over the next few days, including texts which the man considered to be threatenin­g.

When the client questioned the reason for the demands and tried to phone her, Wilson texted him saying: “Don’t keep calling.

“You are wasting my time, I told you what the money was, loss of earnings and lucky I was not some greedy woman.”

She told him that she wanted £1000 that night and another £2000 “by Monday”.

He thought her reference to loss of earnings was in relation to a previous trip to Aberdeen and he was of the view that he had already paid the agreed fee of £450.

On July 16, 2017 Wilson sent him a message saying that she had left him a message on his work answer phone and said “get the money here or hmm ... I don’t know what could happen, you know”.

Mr Farrell added: “The complainer took this to mean that the accused intended to divulge to people known to him that he was engaging the services of a prostitute and that he had failed to pay for her services.”

Another voicemail was left on his mobile that said that he had to put money in her bank that night “or I’ll be down at your house tonight”.

A further message also said: “I’m calling your work, they can hear me loudly”.

Wilson agreed to meet the man at her flat, where he took a friend with him.

However, the friend became concerned as he stood outside and called the police.

The man later explained to the police the circumstan­ces and identified Wilson.

Get the money or ... I don’t know what could happen. I’m calling your work, they can hear me loudly

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