Rutherglen Reformer

Who’s the good samaritan who found Heather’s treasured ring?


A Cambuslang mum who lost her precious gold wedding anniversar­y ring while she was bag packing for a good cause is seeking the good samaritan who found it among her shopping and handed it in.

Heather Ducie was helping customers at Morrisons in Cambuslang on Saturday, May 18 to raise funds for the upkeep of the Cambuslang Remembranc­e Garden when she realised that her white gold band had slipped off her finger.

The customer whose bags she was packing rifled through her groceries in the hope of finding the ring, given to her by husband Richard three years ago. But when the search didn’t uncover the lost jewellery, the shopper and her son left the store.

“I was absolutely shattered when I realised it was gone. It is not so much the ring. It is just a wee silver coloured band. But to me, it is the sentimenta­l value,” said mum-of-two Heather.

“I kept saying to everybody: ‘Are you sure I had a ring on?’ They said they were sure I did. I phoned home to get my son to check to make sure I had not left it lying anywhere. I told him not to tell his dad.”

On Heather’s behalf, friend Alex Black posted a panic message on the All About Cambuslang Facebook page, appealing for customers who had been in the store between 10am and 11am that day to check their shopping bags.

Within two hours of the ring’s disappeara­nce, staff at Morrisons received a call from the shopper who had searched in vain through her bags at the checkout for Heather’s missing ring to report that she’d found it while unpacking her purchases.

“They must have gone up the road and I’m assuming the ring was in their bag,” said 54- year- old Heather, of Kirkton Road.

“They had said on the phone my ring was getting handed in to Morrisons.”

A relieved Heather bought a bunch of flowers and asked supermarke­t security staff to give them to whoever returned the ring to the store.

But somehow, the flowers weren’t passed on when the ring was safely returned.

Now, Heather is appealing for the kind-hearted mystery lady to get in touch so that she can thank her.

“I have no idea who she is,” said Heather, who celebrated her silver wedding with a dream trip to New York.

“When the phone call came that it was getting handed in, I was so relieved. It is the sentimenta­l value, and I really just want to say a proper thank you.”

Rather than supermarke­t flowers, Heather wants to arrange for her sister-in-law, Ann Marie – proprietor of A M Ducie Designer Florist in Cambuslang – to create a special bouquet for the temporary custodian of her ring to say a big thank you.

Anyone who knows who found the ring should contact Heather Ducie through her Facebook page.

* Heather would also like to thank generous shoppers who donated £ 606 to the Cambuslang Remembranc­e Garden Group, of which she is secretary.

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