Rutherglen Reformer



If someone told you that your garage door was on fire would you go and have a look?

This is exactly that happened to one person a few days ago.

He took it as a politicall­y biased hate crime.

Much like, but far more dangerous than, say, a thrown milk shake.

How many people voted in last week’s European elections? What percentage of the population?

Some questions arising from last week’s campaignin­g...

How many people have stopped buying fruit in plastic wrapping?

Who is willing to stop purchasing their favourite peanut butter spread because it is sold in plastic, rather than glass jars?

Will any of us stop going on holidays abroad: give up the cruise, avoid the airplane?

Has anyone given up buying fashionabl­e clothes to help the environmen­t?

Cigarette butts seem so harmless, but they take about a decade to decompose, and anyway they fill the stomachs of a curious bird.

Would you give up sunscreen because it pollutes the sea?

And that is why we need a nanny state.

We will carry on buying most of the things we want, regardless of the harm that it causes to nature.

And we will continue doing so until the laws are changed by a responsibl­e government, so that companies will be forced to stop using plastic and other harmful products and sell us the things we want in responsibl­e packaging, with safe ingredient­s.

People have been warning us since the 1970s about this, but even now the desire to change is so small.

It’s not so easy to repent: turn around and change our lifestyle, before we wreck nature, harm ourselves, ruin society and destroy the world. We need help! No one else is going to offer it, so perhaps it’s time to pray, and to ask God for that help.

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