Rutherglen Reformer

Covid forces council to pull out of remembranc­e events


Remembra n ce day events in Rutherglen and Cambuslang have been scrapped by South Lanarkshir­e Council this year.

However tributes in Hamilton and East Kilbride will go ahead in a smaller capacity.

The local authority confirmed that there will no be council-led events taking place in Rutherglen or Cambuslang due to coronaviru­s fears, although local churches or the Royal British Legion may host their own events.

South Lanarkshir­e Provost Iain McAllan said: “Like so many other events, our remembranc­e ceremonies have had to be scaled back this year due to the Covid-19 situation.

“However, while these are unusual times, what remains constant is the debt that we owe to those who gave their lives to protect our way of life for the generation­s to come.

“Perhaps in a year when we are reminded more than ever of the value of our health and our daily life, it is even more relevant to honour those who sacrificed themselves to ensure we could still have all that we hold dear, and we will ensure that we do still remember them and pay them the respect they are due.”

Hilda Allison, treasurer of the Cambuslang Remembranc­e Garden group, was saddened by the news that the council had cancelled the events in Rutherglen and Cambuslang.

However their own ceremony is expected to go ahead.

She told the Reformer: “It’s very sad to hear that the council aren’t doing any events in Rutherglen and Cambuslang this year.

“It is vitally important that people still take time to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

“We are also holding a very short service at our Remembranc­e Garden on the 11th, just for people to come and lay wreaths if they wish.

“This will be socially distanced and if anyone wants to attend they must let me know.

“The group take part in the Poppy Scotland appeal and just at the weekend we were given the green light to do it this year in Morrisons – but given the current climate that could change at any minute.

“It’s very sad that we can’t mark this day in the usual manner, but as long as the day is marked and people take a minute to remember, that is the most important thing.”

People are being urged to still take the time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice by coming together for a national moment of silence at 11am on Remembranc­e Sunday as the service is broadcast nationwide on BBC One, Sky and ITV.

The Poppy Appeal that the Remembranc­e Garden Group will take part in is Poppyscotl­and’s largest fundraisin­g campaign which takes place annually in the lead-up to Remembranc­e Day.

Poppyscotl­and reach out to those who have served, those still serving, and their families at times of crisis and need by offering vital, practical advice, assistance and funding.

They believe that those who serve or have served, whether regular or reserve, are deserving of their support to live life fully without disadvanta­ge after service, and that no veteran should live without the prospect of employment, good health and a home.

Across South Lanarkshir­e, the annual two-minutes silence service on Armistice Day, at the Victoria Cross War Memorial in Castle Street, Hamilton, is set to take place, with social-distance measures in place.

Remembranc­e events will also be held, with limited attendance, in East Kilbride and Larkhall, but the council have not issued any further details for fear of a crowd gathering.

 ?? Remembranc­eGarden ?? Sadness Members of the Cambuslang Remembranc­e Garden Group stressed it is important to remember those who lost their lives
Remembranc­eGarden Sadness Members of the Cambuslang Remembranc­e Garden Group stressed it is important to remember those who lost their lives
 ??  ?? Tribute The traditiona­l ceremony for Rutherglen and Cambuslang will not go ahead
Tribute The traditiona­l ceremony for Rutherglen and Cambuslang will not go ahead

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