Rutherglen Reformer

Pensioners to get jabs at local centre

No need to travel to far-flung vaccinatio­n hubs


Rutherglen pensioners will be able to receive their coronaviru­s vaccines locally instead of travelling long distances to the region’s supercentr­es.

The Reformer previously told how residents in Rutherglen and Cambuslang were being asked to travel to either Ravenscrai­g in Motherwell or the Ally McCoist Sports Centre in East Kilbride for the second dose of the vaccine.

Since then, councillor­s in the area have hit out at problems for locals looking to get their second jab.

Although Fernhill Community Centre was still being used once or twice a fortnight for the vaccine, nearly all locals were being asked to travel to one of the area’s supercentr­es.

And concerns were raised that many pensioners would wish to avoid a fuss instead of rebooking online for a local appointmen­t.

However, the health board have now said that due to “lower levels of activity due to vaccine supply during April” those over 70 will now be given appointmen­ts at Fernhill instead of East Kilbride or Motherwell.

Councillor­s Walter Brogan and

Margaret Cowie had both been campaignin­g for the jabs to be carried out locally.

Cllr Brogan, who represents Cambuslang East, said: “I have had lots of complaints about the closing of the Fernhill vaccinatio­n centre and the logistical, time and financial difficulti­es that this is causing our senior and less able residents.

“I know of one resident who turned up for an appointmen­t at Fernhill to find the centre closed, with no alternativ­e arrangemen­ts known to the staff, and the resident had an oxygen cylinder to cope with.

“The staff and organisati­on at the Fernhill centre has been first class in my opinion, but the centre has been needing to be used more.”

Ms Cowie, who represents Rutherglen South, said those in her ward going to East Kilbride often had to take “two or three buses” to the supercentr­e.

She added: “I have been complainin­g about the closure of Fernhill as a vaccinatio­n centre since it was first announced and I have had numerous complaints about the cost in a taxi, and also concerns about bus availabili­ty, if they were given early or late appointmen­ts.”

A spokesman for NHS Lanarkshir­e said the two supercentr­es allowed them to vaccinate more than 50,000 people each week, which they would have been unable to do at smaller local centres.

He added: “We acknowledg­e that not everyone is able to access the supercentr­es and made the decision in February to identify seven local centres, of which Fernhill Community Centre was one, which would open for a few days a month to allow those people unable to travel to either Motherwell or East Kilbride get their vaccinatio­n.

“We will continue to monitor the uptake at the local centres to ensure that those people who cannot travel can receive their vaccinatio­n in a more local setting.”

The community centre will also be open April 26 to April 30 for further appointmen­ts.

I have had lots of complaints about the closing of the Fernhill vaccinatio­n centre

 ??  ?? Jabs
Fernhill Community Centre will now see more pensioners, and those over 70 are now starting to receive their second vaccine dose
Jabs Fernhill Community Centre will now see more pensioners, and those over 70 are now starting to receive their second vaccine dose
 ??  ?? Usage Cllr Margaret Cowie felt the centre should be open more often
Usage Cllr Margaret Cowie felt the centre should be open more often
 ??  ?? Concern Cllr Walter Brogan wanted to see more jabs done locally
Concern Cllr Walter Brogan wanted to see more jabs done locally

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